Hidromod sponsors one of the Scholarships for the Best Freshmen of the Degree in Marine Sciences at the University of Aveiro 2022/2023 

. Hidromod will once again sponsor the Prize for the best freshmen of the Degree in Marine Sciences at the University of Aveiro. The value of the prize corresponds to the value of the annual tuition fee. Hidromod has sponsored Learn more
Hidromod turns 30 years today. We’re proud of this milestone!

Hidromod turns 30 years today. We’re proud of this milestone!

. Our past brought us to the following vision: · There is an increasing use of inland and marine water resources. · Knowledge on these systems’ dynamics is continuously improving. · Businesses that depend on these environments will be more Learn more
The first Iliad Plenary meeting

The first Iliad Plenary meeting

. HIDROMOD, as ILIAD digital twin of the ocean project partner, participated in ILIAD’s meeting held in Athens (7-9 June 2022). This was the first physical ILIAD’s Plenary meeting. The implementation of digital twins to support ocean/coastal related operations, management Learn more
H2020 HiSea project final workshop

H2020 HiSea project final workshop

H2020 HiSea project will held a final workshop on December 9, 2021. Registrate to attend. Learn more
EcoScope: New European project to improve fishery management

EcoScope: New European project to improve fishery management

. Hidromod is proud to announce that it will take part in the European project EcoScope, which aims to promote an efficient ecosystem-based fisheries management. The project will address issues of ecosystem degradation and anthropogenic impacts associated with fisheries exploitation Learn more
500 projects milestone

500 projects milestone

We have reached and surpassed numerous business milestones over the years, but we are very proud of this one: in August 2020, HIDROMOD registered its 500th project. Learn more
Hidromod’s 28th anniversary

Hidromod’s 28th anniversary

. In the year of COVID, we celebrate another anniversary. On July 1, 1992, the deed of incorporation of Hidromod was made. This year we celebrated on the 24th of June, in the Cadaval area, with a visit to some Learn more
AQUAFARM 2.0 has started!

AQUAFARM 2.0 has started!

. AQUAFARM 2.0 is a demonstration project led by Hidromod, with support from the European Space Agency in close collaboration with IFAP and Wisecrop. The project start date was the 1st of March 2020. The project concept strongly builds on Learn more
Meeting on the impact of climate change in the activity of Porto de Aveiro

Meeting on the impact of climate change in the activity of Porto de Aveiro

. Hidromod and the Port of Aveiro Authority (APA) in cooperation with Fundación para la Investigación del Clima (FIC) and Fundación Valenciaport, in the past 22nd of January 2020, held a working session on the impact of climate change over Learn more
Hidromod in the Caminho da Inovação 2019 – Águas do Tejo Atlântico

Hidromod in the Caminho da Inovação 2019 – Águas do Tejo Atlântico

. Hidromod was invited to share its long experience (video) in developing projects and products together with Águas do Tejo Atlântico (AdTA) in Caminho da Inovação 2019 – Expo & Networking held last 26th of September in Alcântara wastewater treatment Learn more
Hidromod releases a report made in 2017 on the viability of salmon farming in Portugal

Hidromod releases a report made in 2017 on the viability of salmon farming in Portugal

. There is a close relationship between productivity of farmed salmon and sea temperature. This report is focused on bottom water temperature variability, offshore mainland Portugal, to support the development of the salmon farming industry. Input data is mainly from Learn more
Aquasafe of Santos is presented to the Civil Defense of São Paulo in the context of the Storm Surge Preventive Plan

Aquasafe of Santos is presented to the Civil Defense of São Paulo in the context of the Storm Surge Preventive Plan

. The State Civil Defense of São Paulo, Brazil, held a meeting with the members of the Storm Surge Civil Defense Preventive Plan (CDPP) on 26/2/2019, at Bandeirantes Palace. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Secretariat of Infrastructure Learn more
HIDROMOD present in Verde.Tec 3rd International Exhibition on Environmental Technologies

HIDROMOD present in Verde.Tec 3rd International Exhibition on Environmental Technologies

HIDROMOD participated in the Verde.Tec exhibition which took place in Athens between 15 and 17 February. As part of this event, focused on environmental technologies, HIDROMOD was present with a booth and it was invited to make a presentation on Learn more
The first ODYSSEA Newsletter was published

The first ODYSSEA Newsletter was published

The newsletter can be found here. Learn more
ODYSSEA 2nd General Assembly – Lisbon 2019

ODYSSEA 2nd General Assembly – Lisbon 2019

  The ODYSSEA Project (http://odysseaplatform.eu/), an R&D project with a budget of 8 milions of Euros financed by the European Union under the H2020 Program which has 28 partners from 14 countries (including HIDROMOD) held the General Assembly in Lisbon Learn more
Meteorological and hydrological information platform for the Douro Inland Waterway

Meteorological and hydrological information platform for the Douro Inland Waterway

  On October 2018, Hidromod signed a 3-year contract with APDL to implement a decision support system for managing navigation on the Douro Inland Waterway (DIW). This solution, based on HIDROMOD’s AQUASAFE software, integrates real-time measured data and numerical model Learn more
Renewable energies, ports and aquacultures are the themes of 3 new EU funded projects

Renewable energies, ports and aquacultures are the themes of 3 new EU funded projects

  Three projects funded by the European Commission, in the fields of renewable energy, ports and aquaculture, were recently added to Hidromod’s orders list. These three new projects are joining other R&D projects underway and will significantly strengthen Hidromod’s technological Learn more
Hidromod’s team celebrated its 26th anniversary at Sines

Hidromod’s team celebrated its 26th anniversary at Sines

  On July 9, Hidromod’s team went to Sines to celebrate its 26th anniversary. The Port of Sines, EDP’s Power Plant and Jerónimo Martins’ fish farm were visited. Internal dissemination of knowledge about the operations for which the company works Learn more
APDL renews contract with Hidromod

APDL renews contract with Hidromod

  APDL renewed with Hidromod the contract to update and maintain the platform for visualization and execution of meteorological and hydrological forecasting models. Since 2012, Hidromod has been providing services to APDL based on the AQUASAFE platform. On this platform, Learn more
Port of Aveiro commissioned data management and meteo-oceanographic forecast services

Port of Aveiro commissioned data management and meteo-oceanographic forecast services

  Staff at Port of Aveiro (APA) are using services of data management and meteo-oceanographic forecasts based on the AQUASAFE system of Ria de Aveiro. These services are based on a set of computer tools developed at HIDROMOD that integrate Learn more
Sines aquaculture operation starts using Aquasafe forecasting service

Sines aquaculture operation starts using Aquasafe forecasting service

  An Aquaculture in the Port of Sines, operated by Seaculture (Jerónimo Martins Agro-business), is benefiting from the forecast of sea temperature, and other metocean parameters, generated from the Aquasafe system of Sines. To this end, a 3-year contract was Learn more
Aquafarm project kick-off

Aquafarm project kick-off

  On the 11st December 2017, Hidromod had the KickOff meeting of Aquafarm project funded by ESA. Aquafarm is a study on Business opportunity and the technical viability of new applications of operational systems to food security. The service to Learn more
3rd LIFE SWSS Workshop – Algarve

3rd LIFE SWSS Workshop – Algarve

  3rd LIFE SWSS Workshop was held on October 25th of 2017 at AHETA – Associação dos Hotéis e Empreendimentos Turísticos do Algarve, in Albufeira (program). The project main goal is to create an innovative management and decision support platform Learn more
ValorMar project’s kick-off meeting – Hidromod will work on the optimization of technologies and processes for aquaculture production

ValorMar project’s kick-off meeting – Hidromod will work on the optimization of technologies and processes for aquaculture production

  Last October 9, 2017, the kick-off meeting of the ValorMar project was held. The ValorMar project, led by SONAE, includes 31 entities with a wide national geographic scope. ValorMar will develop innovative technological solutions with the general objective of Learn more


  HIDROMOD was invited to participate in the COPERNICUS Marine Week who took place in Brussels by the end of September (25-29). This event gathered a large number of relevant members of the marine operational community who had the opportunity Learn more
Hidromod’s 25th anniversary was celebrated by the whole staff with a visit to the Port of Setúbal

Hidromod’s 25th anniversary was celebrated by the whole staff with a visit to the Port of Setúbal

  On July 5, 2017, Hidromod’s staff paid a visit to the Port of Setúbal to commemorate the company’s 25th anniversary. Eng. Ernesto Carneiro and Eng. João Pinto, from APSS, accompanied the visit to the various terminals of the Port. Learn more
Hidromod invests in training of graduates in Sciences of the Sea at the University of Aveiro

Hidromod invests in training of graduates in Sciences of the Sea at the University of Aveiro

  Hidromod offers a scholarship to one of the Best First Year Students of the Degree in Marine Sciences at University of Aveiro. This scholarship will be given to a student initially admitted to Marine Sciences graduation through the national Learn more
The ODYSSEA project funded by H2020 started

The ODYSSEA project funded by H2020 started

  The EU-funded ODYSSEA project opening conference  was held in the city of Kavala, Greece June 6–8, 2017 HORIZON 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation has awarded ODYSSEA €8.4 million to develop an interoperable and cost-effective platform that Learn more
Aquasafe provide support to São Paulo’s Harbor Pilots (Brazil)

Aquasafe provide support to São Paulo’s Harbor Pilots (Brazil)

  Within the objective of increasing navigation security, São Paulo (Brazil) Harbor Pilots (Praticagem de São Paulo in Portuguese) renew the agreement for using the AquaSafe platform with a local partner of HIDROMOD, the University of Santa Cecília (Unisanta). The Learn more
An Oil Spill Drill in the Outer Harbour of A Coruña tested the operation of the Aquasafe Galicia system

An Oil Spill Drill in the Outer Harbour of A Coruña tested the operation of the Aquasafe Galicia system

  An Oil Spill Drill was carried out in the Outer Harbor of A Coruña, by the Port Authority of A Coruña (APC) and INTECMAR, to prevent situations of contamination at sea. The Aquasafe operational system was used in the Learn more
HIDROMOD won Marine Copernicus’ tenders

HIDROMOD won Marine Copernicus’ tenders

  HIDROMOD was selected as a winner of three Lots (out of thirteen) in a recent tendering process from Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) aimed at developing and promoting Downstream Services.   The use of observation and forecast CMEMS’s Learn more
Expantion of the AquaSafe system in Muscat, Oman

Expantion of the AquaSafe system in Muscat, Oman

  Hidromod was commissioned by L&T for a 2 days course (12 and of March 2017) in order to empower PAEW (Public Authority for Energy and Water) technicians to extend the leak detection system based in the AquaSafe platform to Learn more
Hidromod signed a maintenance contract with EPAL for the AquaSafe platform, Portugal

Hidromod signed a maintenance contract with EPAL for the AquaSafe platform, Portugal

  Hidromod has signed with EPAL an maintenance contract for the AquaSafe platform. The AquaSafe system is used by EPAL to manage sensor and model data. This data is currently being compiled in real time for the production of indicators Learn more
AquaSafe is having an impact on the day-to-day life of Santos (Brazil)

AquaSafe is having an impact on the day-to-day life of Santos (Brazil)

  The Hydrodynamic Research Center of the University of Santa Cecília (http://nph.unisanta.br, local partner of Hidromod for the implementation and maintenance of the AquaSafe system) together with Santos Civil protection has issued several flood warnings in the city of Santos Learn more
AMOS project at BUSINESS2SEA 2016

AMOS project at BUSINESS2SEA 2016

  Adélio Silva made a public presentation of the AMOS project (see http://amos.hidromod.com/) at BUSINESS2SEA 2016 (Porto). In the framework of AMOS project (Advanced Meteo-Oceanographic Forecasting Services for Sea) a sea storm warning service was made available covering Portugal’s mainland Learn more
Hidromod on a PhD panel at Aveiro University, Portugal

Hidromod on a PhD panel at Aveiro University, Portugal

  Dr. Paulo Leitão was one of the panel members for Sandra Marisa da Silva Costa’s PhD in civil engineering from Aveiro University, entitled “Suspended Sediments in the Ria de Aveiro: Present and Future Dynamics”. Learn more
Water Resources Management Support in Cambodia and Myanmar

Water Resources Management Support in Cambodia and Myanmar

  Hidromod, MOWRAM and GISAT organized a workshop in SUNWAY HOTEL PHNOM PENH, on AUGUST 11, 2016. The Workshop theme was: Water Resources Management Support in Cambodia and Myanmar. The Workshop addressed geospatial information requirements and demonstrated EO data utility Learn more
La Coruña port authority acquired the AQUASAFE OSS Service

La Coruña port authority acquired the AQUASAFE OSS Service

  La Coruña port authority commissioned HIDROMOD to install several AQUASAFE OSS software licenses linked to an AQUASAFE server where several metocean forecasts and real time measured data for the Galicia area are aggregated. In the framework of this contract Learn more