Coordinator – José Chambel Leitão
Programme – Fundo Azul (Edital 4 – Segurança Marítima)
Execution dates – 2019-04-01 – 2021-09-30 (30 Months)
Funding Entity – Direção Geral da Política do Mar
Eligible investment for HIDROMOD – 71359 €
Total Funding – 222012 €
Proponent Institution – HIDROMOD, Modelação em Engenharia, Lda
Participating Institutions
Universidade de Aveiro
WAVEC – Offshore Renewables
APARA – Associação Pesca Artesanal Região de Aveiro
CENÁRIO – Centro Náutico Ria de Ovar
NADO – Náutica Desportiva Ovarense
The SisMAR project aims to develop a risk analysis support system for sea operations based on predictive and monitoring components of the marine environment and vessel location, seeking to promote a significant increase in inland waterway safety by fishing and recreational vessels. It also intends to develop and install a visibility measurement and forecasting system to mitigate the high risk to maritime navigation due to the absence of this information. A system for monitoring the location and depth of fishing and recreational vessels will also be developed and installed to allow the construction of a navigable route database and therefore the sharing of navigation experiences. During this project, the system will be tested and validated in the Ria de Aveiro zone, and its expansion will be analysed to other areas of the Portuguese coast.