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Within the objective of increasing navigation security, São Paulo (Brazil) Harbor Pilots (Praticagem de São Paulo in Portuguese) renew the agreement for using the AquaSafe platform with a local partner of HIDROMOD, the University of Santa Cecília (Unisanta). The data provided by the platform will assist choosing the better entering and leaving periods of the harbor.
AquaSafe platform is connected to a real-time sensor data stream (tide gauge, weather station and ADCPs) from Praticagem’s Center for Coordination, Communication and Traffic Operations (C3OT). Furthermore, are also available high-resolution forecast solutions for wave parameters, sea level, wind and other meteo-oceanographic parameters.
Cargo traffic at Santos Port in 2016 reached approximately 114 million of tons, reaching more than 4700 mooring operations, making this the largest port in Latina America
HIDROMOD and Unisanta implemented a data management and forecasting system based on the AquaSafe platform, within the projected financed by the State Water Resources Fund for the water quality forecast in the beaches of Santos.
The AquaSafe platform in Santos has had good reviews from several areas of use, in particular from navigation and civil authorities. Since July of 2016, almost 20 flood warning bulletins have been issued for the Santos and São Vicente municipalities, minimizing the risk to the population and assisting the Civil Defense of Santos and the State of São Paulo in decision making.
Other news regarding this new contract may be seen in the links below: