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APDL renewed with Hidromod the contract to update and maintain the platform for visualization and execution of meteorological and hydrological forecasting models.
Since 2012, Hidromod has been providing services to APDL based on the AQUASAFE platform. On this platform, APDL technicians find meteo-oceanographic measurements and forecasts to support their operations in the ports of Douro, Leixões and Viana do Castelo.
The information is disseminated in the videowall of the Coordination and Security Centre, by email and through a mobile application. The information is also easily accessible for the analysis of specific events and for incident reporting.
The system has already been subject to 8 audits in order to demonstrate its reliability and continuous improvement. For some indicators 100% values are already obtained, demonstrating the absence of any failure in the analysed period. The current contract is in force until 2021.