Num panorama de crescente pressão sobre os recursos hídricos e marinhos, é fundamental garantir uma aquisição contínua de conhecimento sobre a dinâmica destes sistemas.
A HIDROMOD cria e disponibiliza soluções práticas normalmente baseadas na modelação numérica. Com trabalho comprovado em diversas áreas do ciclo hidrológico, para um conjunto de clientes de diversos sectores, fornecemos competências e ferramentas técnicas que permitem aos nossos clientes reduzir custos de implementação e exploração.
Desde 1992 que investimos continuamente em investigação e formação, quer através da participação em projetos científicos europeus quer através da ligação ao meio universitário.
Hoje, com cerca de 500 projectos realizados e com um sistema de gestão da qualidade certificado pela norma ISO 9001, oferecemos uma combinação de experiência de engenharia, conhecimento científico e capacidade de implementação tecnológica.
Queremos servir os nossos clientes através da melhoria contínua dos nossos produtos e serviços, de recursos humanos altamente qualificados, da inovação tecnológica e do trabalho de equipa. Estes meios permitem-nos fazer projetos de acordo com os requisitos do cliente utilizando as técnicas mais adequadas ao seu problema.

Adélio Silva

José Chambel Leitão
Foi um dos fundadores da Hidromod e é atualmente um dos gerentes. É Engenheiro Civil e Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica pelo Instituto Superior Técnico, de Lisboa, e trabalha desde 1992 nas áreas de especialização da empresa. Colaborou em várias centenas de projetos tendo assumindo a liderança de equipas de trabalho multidisciplinares nas áreas marítima e costeira, de planeamento de bacias hidrográficas, de gestão de dados e modelação operacional.

Paulo Leitão
Licenciado em engenharia Civil, Mestrado em Ecologia, Gestão e Modelação do Meio Marinho e Doutorado em engenharia do Ambiente pelo Instituto Superior Técnico. Um dos principais Developers do projecto open source MOHID numerical model system. Especialista no desenvolvimento, implementação e validação de modelos de transporte de massa e quantidade de movimento em meios aquáticos.

Pedro Galvão
Licenciado em engenharia Ambiente, Mestrado em Ecologia, Gestão e Modelação do Meio Marinho pelo Instituto Superior Técnico e certificado pela Microsoft como Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer. Iniciou o departamento de IT da Hidromod em 2006, mantendo-se até hoje como responsável do mesmo. Desenhou a arquitetura da plataforma AquaSafe que suporta todos os serviços operacionais da Hidromod.

Pedro Chambel Leitão
Licenciado em Engenharia Agro-Industrial, mestre Engenharia Mecânica e Doutorado em Engenharia do Ambiente. Com 20 anos de experiência profissional, especializou-se em duas áreas, modelação à escala da parcela agrícola e à escala de bacias hidrográficas. Participou em vários projetos de pesquisa e engenharia. Com uma formação de base em engenharia agronómica, tem aplicado a modelação ao “Desenvolvimento de técnicas para melhorar a produtividade da irrigação da água”, na “Gestão Integrada de Fósforo para o controle da eutrofização em bacias hidrográficas” e na estimativa das disponibilidades hídricas. Todos estes estudos constituem uma base sólida para avaliar a produção agrícola existente e as restrições específicas relacionadas com a água (chuva e irrigação) e os potenciais de melhoria. Também se dedica a implementar sistemas operacionais para gestão de água em escala de fazendas e escala de bacias.

Hélio Santos
Licenciado em Engenharia Informática – ramo de redes e multimédia na Universidade da Beira Interior. Durante a licenciatura pertenceu a um grupo de investigação HULTIG na mesma instituição. Obteve o certificado MCSD (“Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer: Web Applications”) reconhecido pela “Microsoft” por sua especialização em criar e implantar serviços e aplicativos modernos da Web.
Possui experiência profissional em diversas áreas como comércio eletrónico, seguradoras, engenharia e modelação. Especialista em tecnologias Microsoft como C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, WPF, WCF, SQL Server e outras tecnologias web como HTML, Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap, AngularJS, ExtJS…
Na Hidromod participa em diversos projetos de operacionalização de modelos matemáticos e tratamento de dados com referências geográficas e temporais (HDF5, NetCDF, etc) utilizando as mais recentes tecnologias.

Margarida Nascimento
Margarida Nascimento possui frequência universitária em Engenharia Mecânica no Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL). Trabalha na Hidromod desde 1997, é responsável pela área Administrativa e Financeira, bem como na aplicação e manutenção do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade da empresa.

João Ribeiro
Licenciado em Ciências do Mar, pela Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, tendo como principais áreas científicas a Ocenografia Física,Matemática, Física, modelação Matemática e programação. Especialista no desenvolvimento, implementação e validação de modelos de agitação marítima e hidrodinâmicos.

Sofia Bartolomeu
Sofia Bartolomeu é licenciada em Meteotologia, Oceanografia e Geofísica e mestre em Meteorologia e Oceanografia Física pela Universidade de Aveiro. Sofia faz o controlo e monitorização dos sistemas AquaSafe na HIDROMOD. Idealiza, organiza e desenvolve os meios de apresentar a informação ao cliente através do AquaSafe e auxilia na análise de dados e validação de modelos de agitação marítima, meteorológicos e oceanográficos.

João Rodrigues
João Rodrigues tirou a sua licenciatura em Meteorologia, Oceanografia e Geofísica e o mestrado em Meteorologia e Oceanografia Física na Universidade de Aveiro. Na HIDROMOD, João é responsável por manter o bom funcionamento dos modelos de circulação oceânica de hindcast e forecast. Ele é também um dos entusiastas no desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas em Linux e Python de apoio à operacionalização.

Agata Kukulska
Agata é uma desenvolvedora de frontend com experiência em arquitectura. Possui um mestrado em arquitetura e planeamento urbano. Agata juntou a suas habilidades em design e codificação para se tornar uma desenvolvedora de frontend e agora implementa suas próprias ideias visuais no mundo digital. Na Hidromod, Agata é responsável pelo design, UI e UX do principal produto AquaSafe.

Flavio Santos
Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, com especialidade em Tecnologias do Ambiente, Flávio Santos trabalhou 3 anos como investigador na MARETEC, centro de investigação na área de modelação ambiental da costa marítima e de bacias hidrográficas do Institudo Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. Trabalhou em projetos de modelação de albufeiras, de redes fluviais e de cheias. Na HIDROMOD, trabalha em projetos de modelação de bacias hidrográficas e desenvolvou um modelo de previsão de evapotranspiração e humidade do solo em culturas agrícolas.

Rúben Pereira
Licenciado em Engenharia Informática na Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. Rúben Pereira especializou-se na área de
desenvolvimento de aplicações web (Backend e Frontend), com destaque nas linguagens: Java, Python,
Javascript, HTML, CSS e com base de dados relacionais e não relacionais, possui experiência profissional com as tecnologias
referidas bem como em diferentes sistemas operativos, Microsoft Windows, Linux e MacOS. Entusiasta da tecnologia blockchain, Rúben
desenvolveu como projeto final de curso uma Blockchain em Java de raiz. Na HIDROMOD, participa em projetos no
âmbito da inovação e criação de serviços e/ou aplicações.

Miguel Delgado
O Miguel possui uma licenciatura em Tecnologias de Informação pela Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, com minor em Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica. Na HIDROMOD, Miguel trabalha como programador Full Stack, com foco em Typescript (Angular) e Dart (Flutter) para o frontend, C# e Python para o backend, e MongoDB e SQL Server para a gestão de base de dados. O seu trabalho envolve a criação e aprimoramento de sites, aplicações móveis e APIs, contribuindo para experiências de utilizador aprimoradas e sistemas mais eficientes.

Débora Barreiros
Débora Barreiros é cientista de dados na equipa de águas interiores da Hidromod. O seu trabalho envolve a gestão, processamento e análise de dados de satélite e in situ tanto no contexto de soluções de machine learning para agricultura e gestão de águas como de modelos hidrológicos numéricos. Com um doutoramento em Física do Instituto Superior Técnico, a Débora tem experiência em investigação científica e no desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais para ajudar a resolver problemas complexos.

Francisco Silva
Sempre curioso pelas dinâmicas do oceano, Francisco Silva navegou pela Licenciatura em Ciências do Mar e mais tarde pelo Mestrado em Ciências do Mar e da Atmosfera, ambos os cursos na Universidade de Aveiro. Especializou-se em oceanografia dinâmica e focou-se na distribuição de ondas internas nas diversas regiões oceânicas do mundo, tema que o levou aos Estados Unidos da América e onde acabou por realizar parte da investigação para a sua tese de mestrado. Juntamente com a restante equipa, é responsável pela manutenção e funcionamento contínuo dos sistemas operacionais da empresa. Tem um especial interesse pela análise de dados oceanográficos e em explorar novas metodologias de processamento no mundo da tecnologia aplicada ao oceano.
On the 15th of August 2012 the International Water Association announced the 2012 IWA Project Innovation Awards Global winners. One of the winners, with an Honour Award was: “AQUASAFE – Smart management tool Implementation to wastewater system of Simtejo” from HIDROMOD, LDA and SIMTEJO, SA In the category Operations/Management.
During the 8th IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, in Busan, Korea, Adélio Silva, from Hidromod, will be making a short presentation on AQUASAFE (on the 18thSeptember 2012, at 15:45, at the PIA Winners Pavilion, Stand Number 522, Exhibition Hall 1 – BEXCO) and will receive the Award at the dinner on the 19th.
Clientes e Parceiros

Oportunidades de Trabalho

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@article{ title = {Patterns of Temperature and Water Level in a Small Mesotidal Estuary: The Case of Ria de Alvor (Portugal)}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {2007}, volume = {12}, month = {11}, day = {7}, id = {ebf6f132-9a68-3f04-8856-e602eb908343}, created = {2024-11-09T01:08:47.353Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2024-11-09T01:08:47.353Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {false}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {<p>Simulating present status and future changes in water level and water temperature in estuaries is important for the advancement of knowledge and decision-making on subjects such as estuarine dynamics and human activities since these variables impact biochemical variables (e.g., oxygen and pH), fish growth, and disease occurrence. Numerical models such as MOHID—Water Modeling System can be used to predict water temperature and water levels under different force conditions. This study evaluates the effects of sea level rise (SLR), air temperatures, and freshwater discharge on water levels and water temperature in the Ria de Alvor under present and future variations. The results show a significant impact of SLR on water levels in the Ria de Alvor, which is more pronounced during spring tides. Air temperature also impacts water temperature, generating changes higher than 2 °C inside the estuary. The freshwater discharge, despite the relatively low values, contributes significantly to changes in surface water temperature, mainly at the estuary’s upper reaches, where it contributes to a decrease in water temperature in winter conditions while elevating them during the summer. The results contribute to the advancement of knowledge on a small, barely studied estuarine system, giving insights into the establishment of human activities such as aquaculture exploitation within the estuary.</p>}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Novo, Rita and Vaz, Nuno and Bartolomeu, Sofia and Picado, Ana and Dias, João Miguel and Leitão, Paulo Chambel}, doi = {10.3390/jmse12112007}, journal = {Journal of Marine Science and Engineering}, number = {11} }
Simulating present status and future changes in water level and water temperature in estuaries is important for the advancement of knowledge and decision-making on subjects such as estuarine dynamics and human activities since these variables impact biochemical variables (e.g., oxygen and pH), fish growth, and disease occurrence. Numerical models such as MOHID—Water Modeling System can be used to predict water temperature and water levels under different force conditions. This study evaluates the effects of sea level rise (SLR), air temperatures, and freshwater discharge on water levels and water temperature in the Ria de Alvor under present and future variations. The results show a significant impact of SLR on water levels in the Ria de Alvor, which is more pronounced during spring tides. Air temperature also impacts water temperature, generating changes higher than 2 °C inside the estuary. The freshwater discharge, despite the relatively low values, contributes significantly to changes in surface water temperature, mainly at the estuary’s upper reaches, where it contributes to a decrease in water temperature in winter conditions while elevating them during the summer. The results contribute to the advancement of knowledge on a small, barely studied estuarine system, giving insights into the establishment of human activities such as aquaculture exploitation within the estuary.
doi link bibtex abstract
@article{ title = {Progress in Developing Scale-Able Approaches to Field-Scale Water Accounting Based on Remote Sensing}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {2732}, volume = {14}, month = {2}, day = {25}, id = {526e5866-5b35-3676-85af-c5463ff5d98f}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:39.900Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:39.900Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {false}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {<p>To increase water productivity and assess water footprints in irrigated systems, there is a need to develop cheap and readily available estimates of components of water balance at fine spatial scales. Recent developments in satellite remote sensing platforms and modelling capacities have opened opportunities to address this need, such as those being developed in the WaterSENSE project. This paper showed how evapotranspiration, soil moisture, and farm-dam water volumes can be quantified based on the Copernicus data from the Sentinel satellite constellation. This highlights distinct differences between energy balance and crop factor approaches and estimates that can be derived from the point scale to the landscape scale. Differences in the results are related to assumptions in deriving evapotranspiration from remote sensing data. Advances in different parts of the water cycle and opportunities for crop detection and yield forecasting mean that crop water productivity can be quantified at field to landscape scales, but uncertainties are highly dependent on input data availability and reference validation data.</p>}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Vervoort, Rutger Willem and Fuentes, Ignacio and Brombacher, Joost and Degen, Jelle and Chambel-Leitão, Pedro and Santos, Flávio}, doi = {10.3390/su14052732}, journal = {Sustainability}, number = {5} }
To increase water productivity and assess water footprints in irrigated systems, there is a need to develop cheap and readily available estimates of components of water balance at fine spatial scales. Recent developments in satellite remote sensing platforms and modelling capacities have opened opportunities to address this need, such as those being developed in the WaterSENSE project. This paper showed how evapotranspiration, soil moisture, and farm-dam water volumes can be quantified based on the Copernicus data from the Sentinel satellite constellation. This highlights distinct differences between energy balance and crop factor approaches and estimates that can be derived from the point scale to the landscape scale. Differences in the results are related to assumptions in deriving evapotranspiration from remote sensing data. Advances in different parts of the water cycle and opportunities for crop detection and yield forecasting mean that crop water productivity can be quantified at field to landscape scales, but uncertainties are highly dependent on input data availability and reference validation data.
doi link bibtex abstract
@article{ title = {Optimization of safe navigability conditions in shallow inland waters: The Routinav app}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {111946}, volume = {259}, month = {9}, id = {631eaff6-eaf1-364d-8a6d-a1c65e9ac47d}, created = {2022-10-13T15:49:01.544Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:01.544Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {false}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Safe navigation in inland waters subjected to tide requires dedicated forecasts of meteorological and oceanographic variables, such as local tidal height, currents, wind and atmospheric pressure. Indeed, it is more difficult to navigate inland shallow waters subjected to intense morphologic dynamics, and therefore characterized by the non-linearity of the tidal height propagation throughout the channels, traduced by important changes in tidal amplitude and phase, especially when no navigation aids are installed. In this context, this work objective is a mobile application (Routinav) development that allows simulating the navigability conditions in inland shallow waters. Firstly, a monitoring system was installed on volunteer boats and validated in Ria de Aveiro, showing high accuracy in depth and position acquisition. Secondly, was designed and applied an algorithm allowing the identification of navigable and non-navigable route segments, according to the updated depth and forecasted tidal height by the hydrodynamic model. Based on this algorithm, was created an agile prototype used to build up the Routinav mobile application for iOS (iPhone OS) and Android operating systems.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Picado, A. and Abreu, J. and Carvalho, D.M. and Santos, H. and Leitão, P. and Rodrigues, J. and Chambel Leitão, J. and Dias, J.M.}, doi = {10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111946}, journal = {Ocean Engineering} }
@techreport{ title = {Chapter "Downstream applications: From data to products" - Report "Implementing Operational Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Systems; IOC-UNESCO, GOOS-275, 2022"}, type = {techreport}, year = {2022}, pages = {326-344}, websites = {http://www.unesco.org/open-}, id = {fd064c65-9245-3200-b4a7-8b51acb87569}, created = {2022-10-13T18:00:52.565Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T18:00:52.811Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {false}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {techreport}, author = {Giovani Coppini, undefined and Enrique Alvarez Fanjul, undefined and Laurence Crosnier, undefined and Tomasz Dabrowski, undefined and Pierre Daniel, undefined and José Chambel Leitão, undefined and Svitlana Liubartseva, undefined and Gianandrea Mannarini, undefined and Glen Nolan, undefined} }
@article{ title = {Avaliação de taxas de assoreamento no estuário do rio Sado}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, keywords = {19 ago 2020,26 nov 2019,30 sep 2019,7 may 2020,accepted,available on-line,bathymetric surveys,fine sediments,modelling,mohid,peer review,revised,sado river estuary,silting rates,submission}, pages = {121-130}, volume = {20}, id = {34c57607-ceba-3777-bb80-b08a8d7c832a}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:40.284Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:57.594Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Leitão, Paulo and Silva, Adélio and Ribeiro, João and Carneiro, Ernesto and Pinto, João}, doi = {10.5894/rgci-n300}, journal = {Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada}, number = {2} }
@inbook{ type = {inbook}, year = {2019}, pages = {135-157}, websites = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-96535-2_7}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, city = {Cham}, id = {3e6f1d59-0810-3c22-86fe-d13c854c03b5}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:40.522Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:40.522Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Historically, extratropical cyclones associated with frontal systems cause storm surges in Santos city. Although there are no fatality records, these events cause several socio-economic loss, especially in vulnerable regions including the Port of Santos. Accepting the impossibility of eliminating the risks, adapting to natural phenomenon can be accomplished through adequate emergency procedures. Early warnings are a key tool to minimize events impact on human activities and prevent economic loss. The present chapter describes an early warning system developed for Santos region, focusing on an intense storm surge event that occurred in October 2016. Executing and sending detailed bulletins once intense events are predicted, reporting the probability of significant impacts on vulnerable areas, is an important feature of the system. Since May 2016, more than 50 comprehensive bulletins were sent, in which at least 20% have warned the possibility of flooding and impacts on urban infrastructure. Currently, the Civil Defense Action Plan is based on this system, notifying the population each time an extreme event is forecast, through a variety of media and by sending cell phone messages, thus enabling residents to be prepared.}, bibtype = {inbook}, author = {Ribeiro, Renan Braga and Sampaio, Alexandra Franciscatto Penteado and Ruiz, Matheus Souza and Leitão, José Chambel and Leitão, Paulo Chambel}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-96535-2_7}, chapter = {First Approach of a Storm Surge Early Warning System for Santos Region}, title = {Climate Change in Santos Brazil: Projections, Impacts and Adaptation Options}, keywords = {Coastal flood,Early warning,Forecast,Santos city,Storm surge} }
@article{ title = {Improvement of an Operational Forecasting System for Extreme Tidal Events in Santos Estuary (Brazil)}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, keywords = {AQUASAFE,Santos estuary,boundary conditions,hydrodynamic,numerical modelling,operational oceanography}, pages = {511}, volume = {9}, websites = {www.mohid.com}, id = {1e8e4c40-a593-37ca-9955-db874ad8aed8}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:40.744Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:57.740Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Forecasting estuarine circulation is a hot topic, especially in densely populated regions, like Santos (Brazil). This paper aims to improve a water-level forecasting system for the Santos estuary, particularly the physical forcing determining the residual tide, which in extreme cases increase the predicting errors. The MOHID hydrodynamic model was implemented with a nested downscaling approach. All automatic procedures to provide a high-resolution real-time forecast system are managed by the AQUASAFE software. Water-level observation and prediction datasets (2016-2017) of five tide gauges in the Santos channel were analyzed, resulting in distinct model configurations, aiming to minimize forecasting inaccuracies. Current MOHID open boundary reference solutions were modified: the astronomical solution was updated from FES2012 to FES2014 whereas the meteorological component (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) global solution) time resolution was altered from daily to hourly data. Furthermore, the correlation between significant wave height with positive residual tide events was identified. The model validation presented a minimum Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 12.5 cm. Despite FES2014 solution improvements at the bay entrance, errors increase in inner stations were maintained, portraying the need for better bathymetric data. The use of a CMEMS hourly resolution decreased the meteorological tide errors. A linear regression method was developed to correct the residual tide through post-processing, under specific wave height conditions. Overall, the newest implementation increased the water-level forecast accuracy, particularly under extreme events.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Mendes, Joana and Leitão, Paulo and Leitão, José Chambel and Bartolomeu, Sofia and Rodrigues, João and Dias, João Miguel}, doi = {10.3390/geosciences9120511}, journal = {Geosciences} }
@article{ title = {Subtidal variability of the Tagus river plume in winter 2013}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, pages = {1353-1362}, volume = {627}, websites = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004896971830367X?via%3Dihub}, month = {6}, publisher = {Elsevier}, day = {15}, id = {0353a436-c685-398d-acf4-f030235e56c0}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:40.968Z}, accessed = {2018-10-03}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:40.968Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The subtidal variability of surface plume response to local wind and river runoff is studied off central Portugal using a hindcast model for the Tagus Estuary (TE) plume. In addition to the model, the main patterns of variability of the TE plume were extracted in an automated mode using Self Organizing Maps (SOM). Three characteristic spatial patterns are extracted in a 3 × 2 SOM array: in synoptic time scales, northward and southward propagation of the plume and transitional periods. Results suggest that river runoff and wind induce strong variability in the coastal ocean, and that the TE plume has a rapid response to their changes. Under high river runoff there is a southern propagation of the plume, even during downwelling favorable winds, revealing bi-directional patterns due to the combined effect of estuarine outflow, wind direction and coastline in establishment the plume direction. The same is found during transitional periods, revealing that the TE plume has significant influence both north and south of the estuary mouth. SOM was applied for the first time to extract spatial and temporal features of the TE plume and prove to be a reliable tool to study large quantities of data in addition to the model results analysis.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Vaz, Nuno and Rodrigues, João G. and Mateus, Marcos and Franz, Guilherme and Campuzano, Francisco and Neves, Ramiro and Dias, João Miguel}, doi = {10.1016/J.SCITOTENV.2018.01.325}, journal = {Science of The Total Environment} }
@article{ title = {Influence of mete ocean processes on MSYM sea level predictions in the Malacca Straits}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Malacca and Singapore Strait,hydrodynamic modelling,sea level rise,south china sea,tidal harmonics}, volume = {2}, websites = {www.aquasafeonline.net/}, id = {d3a85b5a-2456-32f8-b40c-3b568d692675}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:41.159Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:57.877Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The South China Sea region, and particularly the Malacca and Singapore Straits, are known by the complex tidal dynamics, which is influenced by the tidal propagation from Pacific and Indian Oceans. In spite of the dynamic complexity, the region is very relevant economically, especially concerning the growing oil drilling activities. To give support to accidental oil spill prevention and response, an operational oil spill forecast system was developed for the Strait of Malacca. The hydrodynamic system validation revealed good results, in general. However, besides all the modeling efforts, some discrepancies between observed and predicted sea levels were identified, mainly during neap tide and for specific tide-gauges. Therefore, the main aim of this study consists in researching the origin of these discrepancies by comparing predictions with available data and exploring their relation with the MeteOcean processes of the region. Initially sea level data for eight tide gauges was explored to get a general overview of the local tidal dynamics, and then the model performance for astronomic tide was assessed. Analysis of meteorological tides was also performed for three tide-gauges located in the Singapore and Malacca Strait, which are under the influence of the northeast or southwest monsoons. The results show that the differences between the observed and predicted sea levels in Singapore Strait are usually due to discrepancies in the meteorological tide induced by the surface wind stress acting over the Taiwan-Singapore axis, while in the Malacca Strait are mainly related with model limitations in reproducing the astronomical tide.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Bartolomeu, Sofia and Malhadas, Madalena S and Ribeiro, João and Leitão, Paulo C and Dias, João M}, doi = {10.18686/mmf.v2i2.1069}, journal = {Modern Management Forum}, number = {2} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Downscalling CMEMS IBI 3D hourly solution}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Algarve,CMEMS,Downscalling,MOHID,hydrodynamic model,nudging,spin-up}, city = {Lisbon}, id = {ed993b2f-1ef0-3311-b72a-8901b779044f}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:41.376Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:58.022Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The IBI 3D hourly solution was tested as an alternative initial and open boundary condition to the present methodology used by Hidromod based in the CMEMS global forecast. The tests were done for an implementation of the MOHID model to the Algarve coast with a ~400 m horizontal resolution. Models results were compared with several observation data sources: Lagos tidal gauge, Faro buoy temperature, Algarve-Huelva HF radar for December 2017. The tests lead to the follow conclusions: (1) downscaling of IBI solution for domains restricted to the continental shelf area do not present any numerical limitations; (2) for domains where a significant percentage of the model domain is located outside of the continental shelf, there is the need of follow the same downscaling methodology used in the IBI solution. In this methodology extra salinity and temperature (spectral nudging) sinks/sources terms are added to force the density field to converge outside of the shelf to the CMEMS global solution.}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Leitão, P and Silva, A and Rodrigues, J and Bartolomeu, S and Leitão, J}, booktitle = {5th Hydrographic Engineering Conference, Lisbon} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Serviço de previsão para suporte a estabelecimentos de culturas marinhas}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2018}, city = {Lisbon}, id = {45777f70-a604-3743-be62-31042c31899b}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:41.593Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:58.169Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {A aquacultura é um sector que tem vindo a aumentar significativamente nos últimos anos em Portugal. Para esta atividade, a temperatura da água representa um papel de elevada importância uma vez que se refletem na produtividade. O modelo hidrodinâmico MOHID e a metodologia de modelos encaixados tem-se revelado uma solução eficiente que permite integrar processos desde a escala dos quilómetros, como é o caso da maré, até processos da escala das centenas de metros, como plumas de estuário e rios. A partir de um modelo, operacional desde 2014 para Portugal Continental, que fornece previsões à superfície e em profundidade, modelos de alta resolução, hidrodinâmicos, tridimensionais podem ser implementados em qualquer local para reproduzir com maior detalhe os processos de alta resolução. A previsão destas condições auxilia o planeamento e gestão da quantidade de alimento necessária aos peixes, otimizando assim os recursos e minimizando os impactes no meio ambiente.}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Bartolomeu, S and Leitão, J C and Rodrigues, J and Leitão, P C and Silva, A}, booktitle = {5th Hydrographic Engineering Conference, Lisbon} }
@inproceedings{ title = {ODYSSEA-Operating a network of integrated observatory systems in the Mediterranean Sea}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2018}, keywords = {CSW,OGC standard services,SOS,WCS,WFS,WMS,data fusion,interoperability}, websites = {www.hidromod.com,}, city = {Lisbon}, id = {b9106cf7-699f-3995-ae38-1ca84a075814}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:41.799Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:58.319Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {false}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {This paper presents an overview of the H2020 ODYSSEA project with special emphasis on data management related issues. The goal of ODYSSEA is to set up an interoperable and cost-effective platform integrating data from observation and forecasting systems across the Mediterranean basin, building on key initiatives such as Copernicus, GEOSS, GOOS, EMODNet, ESFRI, Lifewatch, Med-OBIS and others. A particular capacity of the first release (summer 2018) described in the paper is the integration, fusion, standardization, transformation and dissemination as OGC standard services of different data sets from different providers, locally acquired in-situ data and results from local high resolution models. Applying advanced algorithms to homogenize and fuse large quantities of data, the platform will provide derived data services on-demand through a single public portal to a wide range of end-user groups and stakeholders.}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Figueiredo, C and Pedro, I and Silva, A and Galvão, P and Rodrigues, J and Leitão, P}, booktitle = {5th Hydrographic Engineering Conference} }
@article{ title = {Atmospheric Influence Over the Residence Time in the Bahia Blanca Estuary, Argentina}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, pages = {1-12}, websites = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s41208-018-0120-z}, month = {11}, day = {23}, id = {ecb52536-2185-3fe6-a376-51c70459e0ae}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:42.087Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:42.087Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {An integrated hydrodynamic and Lagrangian transport model was used to estimate the average residence time in the Bahia Blanca estuary (Argentina) for wind conditions of different seasons. The Bahia Blanca estuary consists on an elongated system of meandering bays surrounded by tidal flats and salt marshes where the tide is the principal forcing. Modelling results show that both the tidal amplitude and wind forcing affect significantly the residence time, since river discharge is very low. An increase in the wind intensity along the bays main axis causes a considerable increase in the intensity of the residual current and thus a modification of the average residence time over the model domain. In all seasons, the overall residence time ranges from 12 to 77 days. The values allow establishing a hydrodynamic performance for each of the estuary sectors over each seasonal period. These findings provide useful information to quantify the transport processes on the different sectors of the Bahia Blanca estuary necessary to understand temporal and spatial variations.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Pierini, Jorge O. and Campuzano, Francisco Javier and Leitão, Paulo C. and Gómez, Eduardo A. and Neves, Ramiro J.}, doi = {10.1007/s41208-018-0120-z}, journal = {Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences} }
@article{ title = {Modelling of sediment transport and morphological evolution under the combined action of waves and currents}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, pages = {1-26}, websites = {http://www.ocean-sci-discuss.net/os-2017-8/}, month = {3}, day = {21}, id = {92259c8d-5607-3b05-b044-4a02739f6f56}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:42.352Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:42.352Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {<p>Coastal defence structures are often constructed to prevent beach erosion. However, poorly designed structures may cause serious erosion problems in the downdrift direction. Morphological models are useful tools to predict such impacts and assess the efficiency of defence structures for different scenarios. Nevertheless, morphological modelling is still a topic under intense research effort. The processes simulated by a morphological model depend on model complexity. For instance, undertow currents are neglected in coastal area models (2DH), which is a limitation for simulating the evolution of beach profiles for long periods. Model limitations are generally overcome by predefining invariant equilibrium profiles that are allowed to shift offshore or onshore. A more flexible approach is described in this paper, which can be generalised to 3D models. The present work is based on the coupling of the MOHID modelling system and SWAN wave model. The impacts of different designs of detached breakwaters and groynes were simulated in a schematic beach configuration following a 2DH approach. The results of bathymetry evolution are in agreement with the patterns found in the literature for several existing structures. The model was also tested in a 3D test case to simulate the formation of sandbars by undertow currents. The findings of this work confirmed the applicability of the MOHID modelling system to study sediment transport and morphological changes in coastal zones under the combined action of waves and currents. The same modelling methodology was applied to a coastal zone (Costa da Caparica) located at the mouth of a mesotidal estuary (Tagus Estuary, Portugal) to evaluate the hydrodynamics and sediment transport in calm water conditions and during events of highly energetic waves.</p>}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Franz, Guilherme and Delpey, Matthias T. and Brito, David and Pinto, Lígia and Leitão, Paulo and Neves, Ramiro}, doi = {10.5194/os-2017-8}, journal = {Ocean Science Discussions} }
Coastal defence structures are often constructed to prevent beach erosion. However, poorly designed structures may cause serious erosion problems in the downdrift direction. Morphological models are useful tools to predict such impacts and assess the efficiency of defence structures for different scenarios. Nevertheless, morphological modelling is still a topic under intense research effort. The processes simulated by a morphological model depend on model complexity. For instance, undertow currents are neglected in coastal area models (2DH), which is a limitation for simulating the evolution of beach profiles for long periods. Model limitations are generally overcome by predefining invariant equilibrium profiles that are allowed to shift offshore or onshore. A more flexible approach is described in this paper, which can be generalised to 3D models. The present work is based on the coupling of the MOHID modelling system and SWAN wave model. The impacts of different designs of detached breakwaters and groynes were simulated in a schematic beach configuration following a 2DH approach. The results of bathymetry evolution are in agreement with the patterns found in the literature for several existing structures. The model was also tested in a 3D test case to simulate the formation of sandbars by undertow currents. The findings of this work confirmed the applicability of the MOHID modelling system to study sediment transport and morphological changes in coastal zones under the combined action of waves and currents. The same modelling methodology was applied to a coastal zone (Costa da Caparica) located at the mouth of a mesotidal estuary (Tagus Estuary, Portugal) to evaluate the hydrodynamics and sediment transport in calm water conditions and during events of highly energetic waves.
@article{ title = {Development and validation of a morphological model for multiple sediment classes}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, websites = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1001627917301427}, month = {5}, id = {88796f96-daef-34a9-a970-50921867189e}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:42.583Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:42.583Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Franz, Guilherme and Leitão, Paulo and Pinto, Lígia and Jauch, Eduardo and Fernandes, Luís and Neves, Ramiro}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijsrc.2017.05.002}, journal = {International Journal of Sediment Research} }
@article{ title = {Hydrodynamic and sediment dynamics impact assessment for the Eden City and Divina Island project}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, keywords = {Coastal erosion,Estuary,Morphodynamics,Sediments,Waves}, id = {c7f86173-8442-347e-8219-db5a0c48c90f}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:42.816Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:58.486Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The objective of the present study is to perform a hydrodynamic and sediment dynamics characterization of the present conditions and the potential impacts associated with the foreseen structures for the Eden City Real Estate Development Project in Yeroskipou/Paphos (Cyprus). This Development Project includes the construction of an artificial island of about 105 ha (reclaimed land, protections and beaches).}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ribeiro, João and Silva, Adélio and Leitão, Paulo and Rodrigues, João and Malhadas, Madalena and Madeira, Manuel}, journal = {4th Conference in coastal and estuarine morphodynamics, Porto, May 18-19} }
@article{ title = {High resolution simulation of coastal circulation: Marmara Sea study case}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, keywords = {Coastal circulation,Downscalling,MOHID,Marmara Sea}, id = {6bd1b2b4-5acf-3d78-a317-15874ffb2623}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:43.154Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:58.643Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {With the goal of simulate the current patterns in a detail way along the Marmara Sea /Istanbul coast a hydrodynamic model was set up using MOHID modelling system. The high resolution model (20 m) was able to capture the main low and high frequency trends for the level and temperature at the Marmara sea scale, while for the salinity, sucessfuly reproduced the bibliography halocline. Further studies will be realized to undestand artificial maritime structures effect on the currents dynamic and intensity and coast line evolution.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rodrigues, João R and Ribeiro, João and Leitão, Paulo Chambel and Silva, Adélio}, journal = {4th Conference in coastal and estuarine morphodynamics, Porto, May 18-19} }
@article{ title = {Sistema de previsão da qualidade das águas balneares como ferramenta de gestão}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, id = {ffd0cd31-ed4e-33f2-ac32-0e293102acfa}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:43.397Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:58.784Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Resumo Em diversas regiões costeiras tem-se buscado a minimização dos riscos à saúde humana associados as más condições de balneabilidade das praias, nesse sentido os modelos preditivos são uma ferramenta importante para gestão balnear. Nesta comunicação é apresentado um sistema de previsão da qualidade das águas nas praias de uma importante região costeira do Brasil. A implementação e manutenção deste tipo de sistema implicam na existência de uma infraestrutura complexa, suportada pela plataforma informática AQUASAFE, que é responsável pela importação e formatação adequada de diferentes fontes de dados, pela automatização do funcionamento de diferentes modelos de previsão e pela geração de relatórios e alertas. O sistema de previsão implementado representa de maneira satisfatória os principais processos que implicam na má qualidade da água das praias da Baía de Santos, com acurácia de 93% para as praias de Santos, porém com resultados razoáveis para as praias da Baía de São Vicente, havendo a necessidade de melhoria na quantificação das fontes de poluição nessa região. Atualmente este sistema fornece uma previsão de três dias para a concentração do indicador microbiológico de contaminação fecal (enterococos), e os resultados são disseminados de maneira eficaz para três atores principais, podendo assim auxiliar na tomada de decisão dos gestores e banhistas quanto à utilização da água para recreação. Palavras-chave: qualidade da água, balneabilidade, previsão, modelagem, ferramenta de gestão. Tema: Gestão costeira de recursos hídricos e turismo. 2 1. INTRODUÇÃO Segundo Kay et al. (2004), nas orientações para águas recreativas seguras da Organização Mundial de Saúde há duas abordagens centrais definidas como ferramentas de gestão: a primeira, como ferramenta central, está relacionada ao conceito de classificação da praia, baseado na avaliação da qualidade microbiológica e inspeção sanitária, que implica em uma avaliação dos riscos a priori; a segunda, se baseia na previsão da má qualidade da água, para ajudar na avaliação de risco em tempo real e proteção da saúde pública. Em diversas regiões costeiras tem-se buscado a minimização dos riscos à saúde humana associados às más condições de qualidade microbiológica das águas através de melhores métodos de monitoramento e gestão.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ribeiro, R and Sampaio, A and Leitão, J and Leitão, P and Rodrigues, J}, journal = {13.º SILUSBA: Simpósio de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Língua Portuguesa} }
@article{ title = {Using a coastal storm hazard index to assess storm impacts in Lisbon}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, pages = {221-233}, volume = {7}, id = {d08f0deb-562b-3565-977d-df2d0c24f40a}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:43.614Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:58.913Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Coastal areas are among the most dynamic earth systems as they are exposed to powerful agents. Nearshore wave energy is one of the most important triggering factors for erosion and flooding and is often neglected for severe infrastructure damaging, property losses and loss of life. These consequences are amplified with high population density and heavy infrastructure implantation as it happens in Lisbon (Portugal). In this context, it is of great importance for coastal stakeholders, decision-makers and civil protection entities to estimate precisely the spatial distribution of storm hazard for prevention and mitigation purposes, as well as to design adjusted answers for calamity responses. We apply a coastal storm hazard index (CSHI) considering triggering and conditioning variables involved in the effects of an extreme storm, namely: 100-year return period of SWAN modelled Hs , and its spatial distribution across the study area, land use, number of buildings, height, slope, geology, geomorphology, erosion/ accretion rates, width of the systems, exposure of the coastline, bathymetry and legally protected areas. The variables were weighted according to a hierarchical analysis process and classified into five classes of exposure. A validation process was then implemented by comparing the occurrences identified in the last two decades newspapers and the storm hazard classification, showing a satisfactory validation results. The results show a classified storm hazard map that identifies the most and the less exposed areas. High values of CSHI occur in areas with excessive human pressure, low heights sandy systems with significant costal erosion rates. The main type of consequences identified are associated with inland flooding and erosion, resulting in the destruction of coastal protection infrastructures, and population displacement leading to great economic and social impacts and loss of life.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Bogdan Jaranovic, Jorge Trindade, João Ribeiro & Adélio Silva}, doi = {10.2495/SAFE-V7-N2-221-233}, journal = { Int. J. of Safety and Security Eng.}, number = {2}, keywords = {Coast, hazard index, numerical modelling, return p} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Operational Maritime Weather Forecast for Port Access and Operations Using the Aquasafe Platform}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2016}, pages = {1-11}, publisher = {PIANC}, city = {Rio de Janeiro}, id = {66da37f8-c9d3-3655-bcb9-621b4fa3851a}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:43.844Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:59.060Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Operational weather forecast systems, based on the AQUASAFE platform, have been set up for several ports in Europe and South America, to support the need to increase productivity and maintain safety. This platform can be used to downscale waves and currents’ forecasts to a resolution of the order of 10 to 100 m and disseminate modelled and measured data in real time. AQUASAFE is also being used to support the evaluation of the water depth in navigation channels. These data are displayed in real time in control rooms’ screens, in mobile Apps and automatic reports disseminated via email. One of the desktop clients that connects to the forecast server is the Oil Spill Simulator, used in emergency situations (to support oil spill or search and rescue operations). The first sections of the present paper are dedicated to describe the main features of operational weather forecast systems like downscaling, validation and reliability, based on the implementation and maintenance experience of the authors. The latter sections describe the AQUASAFE software and its various components.}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Leitão, José Chambel and Galvão, Pedro and Leitão, Paulo Chambel and Silva, Adélio}, booktitle = {PIANC - COPEDEC 2016} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Integration of high-resolution metocean forecast and observing systems at Port of Santos}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2016}, publisher = {PIANC}, city = {Rio de Janeiro}, id = {78fe128e-3346-3d64-a5b9-cd1d518858a0}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:44.154Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:59.225Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Braga;, Renan Ribeiro and Leitão, José Chambel; and Leitão, Paulo Chambel; and Puia, Helder Luiz and Sampaio, Alexandra Penteado Franciscatto}, booktitle = {PIANC - COPEDEC 2016} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Modelling tsunamis with a non-hydrostatic version of the MOHID model}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2016}, keywords = {mohid,noaa,non-hydrostatic,tsunami}, pages = {1-4}, issue = {1}, publisher = {Instituto Hidrográfico Português}, city = {Lisbon}, id = {6bf2eace-253f-3c95-938a-433bc3c792e7}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:44.438Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:59.388Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Recent studies suggest the propagation and run-up of tsunamis can be strongly influenced by dispersion due to non-hydrostatic effects, which can result in up to 60% higher values of coastal run-up than the ones calculated by hydrostatic models. In this communication the validation of a nonhydrostatic version of MOHID model is presented. This version features a newly introduced pressure correction method. The validation process is based in the benchmarking methodology proposed by NOAA (http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/benchmark/), for numerical models aimed at the study of tsunami events. It consisted in running a battery of tests, with increasingly complex geometries, with the objective of comparing the numerical results with their analytical solutions, laboratory data or field data. These results include snapshots of the wave propagation, time series of surface elevations and inundation maps. Field (Tohoku tsunami), lab and analytic results are compared with MOHID results run in non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic mode.}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Silva, João C and Silva, António A Pires and Leitão, Paulo C and Silva, Adélio J}, booktitle = {4ª Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica} }
@article{ title = {From regional to local scale modelling on the south-eastern Brazilian shelf: case study of Paranaguá estuarine system}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, pages = {277-294}, volume = {64}, websites = {http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-87592016000300277&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en}, month = {9}, id = {33120db5-3e06-361c-80c5-5fc0cce1e8a9}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:44.672Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:59.536Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Franz, Guilherme Augusto Stefanelo and Leitão, Paulo and Santos, Aires dos and Juliano, Manuela and Neves, Ramiro}, doi = {10.1590/S1679-875920161195806403}, journal = {Brazilian Journal of Oceanography}, number = {3} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Projecto AMOS - serviço de previsão para suporte à navegação e atividade portuária}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Previsão,alertas,disseminação,navegação,operação,validação}, pages = {21-24}, issue = {1}, id = {61ac0e09-d611-3257-aecd-05b622cc1233}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:44.888Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:59.697Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {No âmbito do projeto AMOS foi desenvolvido um sistema de previsão para suporte às diferentes atividades costeiras como por exemplo, entre outras, a navegação, a atividade portuária ou a gestão de sistemas de tomada e rejeição de água. Este sistema através de um único ponto de acesso (portal do projeto AMOS, http://amos.hidromod.com/) disponibiliza de forma condensada previsões atmosféricas, ondas, correntes e alertas de navegação. Adicionalmente são apresentados alertas de tempestade calculados com base nas previsões disponíveis. Num segundo nível os utilizadores podem explorar previsões numéricas e dados medidos (deteção remota e boias) na forma de gráficos XY (modelo vs. medidas) e campos de vetores e escalares. O utilizador tem também acesso a relatórios de validação quantitativa produzidos de forma regular. O backoffice do sistema segue uma arquitetura cliente servidor o que permite disseminar os outputs do projeto AMOS de forma muito eficiente. Os resultados do sistema conseguem chegar às salas de operação dos portos, às pontes dos navios (via o sistema Navtor) ou ao bolso do trabalhador de um porto via uma aplicação mobile.}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Silva, A and Leitão, J C and Galvão, P and Leitão, P C and Malhadas, M S and Santos, H and Rodrigues, J}, booktitle = {4ª Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica} }
@article{ title = {Environmental Impact Assessment: Gathering experiences from wave energy test centres in Europe}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Environmental Impact Assessment,Europe,Receptors,Recommendations,Test centres,Wave energy}, pages = {68-79}, volume = {14}, websites = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2214166916300091}, month = {6}, id = {82a36128-fff4-3fa5-b0da-b611dea086f4}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:45.119Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:45.119Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The wave energy industry is an emerging sector and a new user of maritime space that has potential to contribute significantly to the EU renewable energy goals. International and national regulatory frameworks necessitate Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) that provide important data to inform development consent decisions. Here we have evaluated experience related to the assessment programmes at EU wave energy test centres combined with knowledge gained from EIA produced for other similar renewable energy developments. From this we have identified key receptors of concern, as well as the type and magnitude of impacts which may be expected. The key environmental receptors of concern for wave energy EIA include the physical environment (e.g. morphology, waves and current) and flora and fauna1as represented by marine mammals, seabirds, benthos, fish and shellfish. From a review of the EIAs performed at wave energy test centres, we identified several lessons regarding the wave energy EIA process. There is clear evidence that the receptors of primary interest are dependent on factors such as the local environmental characteristics, the presence/absence of protected species and the regulatory authority under which the EIA is performed. Furthermore, it is recommended that concerns relating to cumulative impacts, from an expanding level of wave energy development taking place in a background of growing utilisation of the marine environment, which are largely unknown at this early stage of the industry may be comprehensively addressed at the national level as part of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (EIA) and/or in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and that it should be regularly reassessed.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Greaves, Deborah and Conley, Daniel and Magagna, Davide and Aires, Eduardo and Chambel Leitão, José and Witt, Matthew and Embling, Clare B. and Godley, Brendan J. and Bicknell, Anthony W.J. and Saulnier, Jean Baptiste and Simas, Teresa and O'Hagan, Anne Marie and O'Callaghan, John and Holmes, Brian and Sundberg, Jan and Torre-Enciso, Yago and Marina, Dorleta}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijome.2016.02.003}, journal = {International Journal of Marine Energy} }
@article{ title = {Comparative Study of the Hydrostatic and Non- hydrostatic Versions of the MOHID Model in Performance Benchmarking for Tsunami Events }, type = {article}, year = {2016}, id = {ad629d03-651a-3ebf-95a5-52b6e74c4a2b}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:45.352Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:59.847Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The tragedy that followed the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004 was a driving force in the development of\nmitigation measures by countries with large coastal areas. Traditionally, the planning of these measures\nwas done with the aid of hydrostatic numerical models, such as the ones based on the non-linear shallow\nwater equations. However, recent studies suggest that the evolution and run-up of tsunamis can be\nstrongly influenced by dispersion due to non-hydrostatic effects, which can result in up to 60% higher\nvalues of coastal run-up than the ones calculated by the aforementioned hydrostatic models. It was in\nlight of these facts that the following work was developed.\nThis dissertation consists in the presentation and validation of a non-hydrostatic version of the MOHID\nmodel, which features a newly introduced pressure correction method. Furthermore, in order to\ndetermine which advantages the new model might have over its hydrostatic counterpart, it was also\nstudied how both models compare against each other.\nThe validation process was inspired by the benchmarking methodology proposed by the United States’\nNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, for numerical models aimed at the study of tsunami\nevents. It consisted in running a battery of tests, with increasingly complex geometries, with the objective\nof comparing the numerical results with their analytical solutions, laboratory data or field data. These\nresults include snapshots of the wave propagation, time series of surface elevations and inundation\nmaps.\n}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Pedro Carrilho da Silva, João and Alberto Pires Silva Paulo Chambel Leitão, António}, journal = {Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Civil Engineering, University of Lisbon}, number = {September} }
@article{ title = {Modeling SST and chlorophyll patterns in a coupled estuary-coastal system of Portugal: The Tagus case study}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, keywords = {Circulation and biogeochemical models,Estuarine outflow,Ocean modeling,Surface patterns,Tagus estuary}, pages = {123-137}, volume = {147}, websites = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.05.022}, publisher = {Elsevier B.V.}, id = {239d1d36-754f-31f8-ac74-689e23721116}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:45.568Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:45.568Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {This work studies the influence of the Tagus estuary, Portugal, on the near coastal system using a model application to describe the main physical and biogeochemical processes in the Region of Freshwater Influence (ROFI). It was used as nested modeling approach, downscaling the solution for the general circulation from a larger domain model (the Portuguese coast), to the local Tagus estuary domain. The model is evaluated during a very dynamic and biologic productive period of the year, corresponding to the winter and early summer (January-May 2007). Also during this period, there is a strong freshwater inflow into the Tagus estuary, which in turn modulates the estuarine outflow to the Tagus ROFI. The results focus on water temperature and chlorophyll and a skill assessment was made, given the lack of data required to perform a thorough validation.Simulation results reveal an adequate reproduction of the vertical thermal structure and chlorophyll concentrations. While a fairly reasonable agreement is seen for water temperature, showing no significant thermal stratification at the study area (average surface-to-bottom difference ranging from 1.3??C to 1.6??C), chlorophyll vertical profiles show some differences between the model results and the measurements. Maximum model bias for surface temperature is 1.4??C and ranges from 1 to 2mgm<sup>-3</sup> for chlorophyll, revealing an underestimation of the predicted chlorophyll and surface temperature for the area in the vicinity of the Tagus mouth. The general trends of surface chlorophyll and surface water temperature are satisfactorily reproduced by the model.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Vaz, N. and Mateus, M. and Plecha, S. and Sousa, M. C. and Leitão, P. C. and Neves, R. and Dias, J. M.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.05.022}, journal = {Journal of Marine Systems} }
doi link bibtex
@article{ title = {Operational decision support system for large combined sewage systems: Lisbon/Tagus estuary case study}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, keywords = {Combined sewer overflow (CSO),Decision support,Model,Receiving waters,Sewage operations}, pages = {1421-1427}, volume = {72}, id = {e002bb44-e9e2-3b7f-b444-031a928103b2}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:45.807Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:45.807Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Póvoa, P. and Nobre, A. and Leitão, P. and Galvão, P. and Santos, H. and Frazão, A. and Neves, R. and Matos, J. S.}, doi = {10.2166/wst.2015.352}, journal = {Water Science and Technology}, number = {8} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Serviços de previsão de alta resolução de condições meteo-oceanográficas e de eventos de poluição costeira}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2015}, keywords = {Previsão,correntes,dispersão,ondas,operacional,portos,zona balnear}, pages = {1-15}, websites = {http://www.aprh.pt/ZonasCosteiras2015/pdf/5A2_Artigo_080.pdf}, id = {3740e15b-1b6a-342f-afd9-92e9b28b04ac}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:46.044Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:59.993Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Diversas instituições estão a disponibilizar, com base na plataforma AQUASAFE, um conjunto de serviços de previsão de alta resolução para diferentes zonas costeiras com especial enfoque nas operações portuárias e na prevenção de eventos de poluição costeira decorrentes de acidentes, descargas de rios, sistemas de drenagem urbana, instalações industriais ou de tratamento de águas residuais. A implementação e manutenção deste tipo de serviços implicam a existência duma infra-estrutura complexa, suportada pela plataforma informática já referida, que é responsável pela automatização do funcionamento de diferentes modelos de previsão, pela importação e formatação adequada de diferentes fontes de dados e pela geração de relatórios e alertas que estejam de acordo com as necessidades específicas de diferentes utilizadores. Em paralelo suporta a manutenção de serviços de auditoria que permitem antecipar e/ou corrigir eventuais anomalias e que garantem a qualidade e fiabilidade dos serviços prestados. Para além de garantirem o fornecimento de informação em locais precisos e às escalas requeridas, os serviços prestados disponibilizam informação de base de grande valia que garante igualmente o suporte à resposta em caso de eventos de poluição, permitindo simular a pedido as potenciais trajetórias e locais de deposição e/ou manter sistemas de alerta da qualidade da água. No âmbito desta comunicação será apresentada uma descrição da arquitetura do sistema e dos serviços que garantem atualmente previsões diárias a diferentes entidades em Portugal, Brasil, Estreitos de Malaca e Colômbia com especial enfoque no sistema que está sendo implementado no Sistema Estuarino de Santos-São Vicente (Brasil) em parceria com a UNISANTA (Universidade Santa Cecília, Brasil) para fornecer serviços de alerta de qualidade da água nas praias e estuário e suporte à navegação.}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Leitão, P and Leitão, J and Ribeiro, R and Sampaio, A and Galvão, P and Ribeiro, J and Silva, A}, booktitle = {VIII Congresso sobre Planeamento e Gestão das Zonas Costeiras dos Países de Expressão Portuguesa} }
@article{ title = {Characterisation of the Bahia Blanca estuary by data analysis and numerical modelling}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Bahia Blanca estuary,Hydrodynamic model,MOHID numerical model}, pages = {415-424}, volume = {129}, websites = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.09.001}, publisher = {Elsevier B.V.}, id = {feb78378-ea0d-3c86-838b-1a6b982a430e}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:46.248Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:46.248Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The Bahia Blanca estuary is a complex system of channels and tidal flats where the most important deep water harbour system of Argentina is located. The main goal of the present work was to obtain a hydrodynamic conceptual model for the Bah??a Blanca coastal area. For this reason, a combined analysis of observed data and numerical modelling has been performed for the whole area. The gained knowledge on the system hydrodynamics could aid in the decision support for navigation security, waste water discharges management, sediment dredging and rejection operations among other applications.Due to the Bah??a Blanca coastal vast area, hydrodynamic observations are scarce and located near the populated areas. In order to describe the hydrodynamics of such a complex and large system, the analysed tidal and current data from different periods have been completed through numerical modelling.Data analysis served to determine the main processes governing the Bah??a Blanca hydrodynamics, to characterise the area using general descriptors, to provide inputs for the numerical model and to aid in evaluating its performance. In addition, a 2-dimensional application was set up using the MOHID water modelling system for the Bah??a Blanca estuary. This application aimed to gain a better understanding of the system dynamics, to explain and test the consistency of the observed data and to reproduce the processes taking place.Model results were in good agreement with the analysed data and served to confirm an inconsistency found on the sea level observations. The combination of both methodologies served to further describe the hydrodynamic processes governing this coastal area and also to obtain a conceptual model for the water and property circulation in the Bah??a Blanca estuary. ?? 2013 Elsevier B.V.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Campuzano, Francisco Javier and Pierini, Jorge O. and Leitão, Paulo C. and Gómez, Eduardo A. and Neves, Ramiro J.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.09.001}, journal = {Journal of Marine Systems} }
doi link bibtex abstract
@article{ title = {Trophic state evaluation after urban loads diversion in a eutrophic coastal lagoon (Óbidos Lagoon, Portugal): A modeling approach}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Hydro-ecological modeling,Pig farms,Trophic state,Urban loads,Water Framework Directive,Óbidos Lagoon}, pages = {231-251}, volume = {740}, id = {6d228c91-c818-3407-a743-b81f97d5df2f}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:46.454Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:46.454Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Óbidos Lagoon is classified as a sensible system according to the eutrophication criteria in the Portuguese Decree-Law 149/2004, which transpose the standards of Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (Council Directive 91/271/EEC) concerning urban waste water treatment. From September 2005 onwards, the urban loads of five Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) were deviated to a submarine outfall to prevent water degradation and improve the lagoon trophic state (LTS). This paper evaluated the LTS after urban loads diversion, testing the hypothesis behind the management decision. First, the loads reaching the lagoon were determined with the Harp-Nut guidelines and watershed modeling. Then, the water quality in the lagoon was simulated with a hydro-ecological model and compared with measured data. Finally, management scenarios corresponding to nutrient loads reduction were tested to determine hypothesis-driven LTS. Results showed that the loads from pig farms should be diverted instead of the WWTP, to improve the LTS and achieve a 'Good/Bad' status. The proposed method stresses the importance of integrated modeling tools in the Water Framework Directive, given their skill in testing various hypothesis, and ultimately ruling out inadequate management decisions before implementation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Malhadas, Madalena S. and Mateus, M. D. and Brito, D. and Neves, R.}, doi = {10.1007/s10750-014-1956-8}, journal = {Hydrobiologia}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Three-dimensional oil spill transport and dispersion at sea by an event of blowout}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Blowout,hydrodynamic,oil spill,spread}, pages = {42-50}, volume = {81}, websites = {http://dyna.medellin.unal.edu.co/en/verResumenEN.php?id_articulo=v81n186a05}, id = {f95e225b-0997-3c49-b564-cc68898c988d}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:46.702Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:00.154Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The simulated droplet trajectories of the 3-D model at the Caribbean platform showed that droplets with a diameter of 50mmformed a distinct subsurface plume, which was transported horizontally and could remain below the surface. This plume could have a very restricted area of impact because the dispersion is only controlled by the ocean currents which, at 1000 m depth, have a low intensity and are quite turbulent. In this case, the formed plume stayed trapped at 1000 m depth, not posing a risk to the Caribbean Coast. In contrast, droplets with diameters of 250mm, 1 and 10mm rose rapidly to the surface, even with different velocities (6, 10, 20 ms-1).}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Otero-Diaz, Luis and Pierini, Jorge O. and Chambel-Leitao, Paulo and Malhadas, Madalena and Ribeiro, Joao and Chambel-Leitao, Jose and Restrepo, Juan}, doi = {10.15446/dyna.v81n186.37951}, journal = {Dyna}, number = {186} }
@article{ title = {Evaluating the predictive skills of ocean circulation models in tracking the drift of a human body: a case study}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {accumulated degree days,body drift,computer simulations,drowning,forensic oceanography,post-mortem submersion interval}, pages = {1-10}, volume = {0618}, websites = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00450618.2014.957346}, id = {858907e1-5af1-3b1c-b813-ac25ac119ef6}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:46.900Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:46.900Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Ocean circulation models are frequently used in maritime Search and Rescue operations due to their skill in simulating the effects of local currents on the transport of people or objects. They are also occasionally used in forensic contexts. Frequently, positively or neutrally buoyant passive particles are used in these simulations, as a proxy for the ‘objects’ in the study. In this paper, the adequacy of passive particle model simulations is tested in an attempt to reproduce the drift of a real case situation. The case study consists of a drowning accident in which the drift was ~2 km for a post-mortem submersion interval (PMSI) of 8.6 days. The simula- tion results highlighted the limitation of the methodology to predict the correct drift. However, we discuss the shortcomings of the modelling approach, and suggest ways to improve the skill of such numerical tools in predicting body drift after drowning accidents.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Mateus, Marcos and Pinto, Ligia and Chambel-Leitão, Paulo}, doi = {10.1080/00450618.2014.957346}, journal = {Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences}, number = {July} }
doi link bibtex abstract
@article{ title = {Modelling of cohesive sediment dynamics in tidal estuarine systems: Case study of Tagus estuary, Portugal}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Cohesive sediments,Estuarine dynamics,Hydrodynamics,Modelling,Portugal,Tagus estuary}, pages = {34-44}, volume = {151}, id = {3e05c5e3-9f9e-31fa-8a5b-20400653add9}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:47.198Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:47.198Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Cohesive sediment dynamics in estuarine systems is a major issue in water quality and engineering problems. Numerical models can help to assess the complex dynamics of cohesive sediments, integrating the information collected in monitoring studies. Following a numerical approach we investigated the main factors that influence the cohesive sediment dynamics in an estuarine system composed of large mudflats (Tagus estuary, Portugal). After a spin up period of the bottom layer and considering the combined effect of waves and currents on the bottom shear stress, the dynamics of cohesive sediment during the fortnightly and daily erosion-sedimentation cycle was properly reproduced by the model. The results of cohesive suspended sediments were validated with data from sixteen monitoring stations located along the estuary and turbidity data measured by two multiparametric probes. The hydrodynamics were previously validated by harmonic analysis and with ADCP data. Although tidal currents are the major cause of cohesive sediment erosion, the results suggest that wind waves also play an important role. The simulated sediment mass involved in the fortnightly tidal cycle was in the same order of magnitude of the annual load from the rivers, as observed in previous studies based on field data.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Franz, G. and Pinto, L. and Ascione, I. and Mateus, M. and Fernandes, R. and Leitão, P. and Neves, R.}, doi = {10.1016/j.ecss.2014.09.017}, journal = {Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science} }
@techreport{ title = {MOHID parallelization upgrade following a domain decomposition approach}, type = {techreport}, year = {2014}, keywords = {MOHID,MPI,domain decomposition,parallelization}, institution = {Hidromod}, id = {eb2acf56-48e8-335f-850d-d866cb32988e}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:47.463Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:00.295Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {? Introduction In this document the MOHID parallelization upgrade done by Hidromod in the framework of the EnergyMare project is described. The work was sub-contracted by MeteoGalicia, one of EnergyMare partners. This upgrade had a global objective of increasing the speedup factor associated with MOHID modelling system's parallelization. A specific goal was to increase the computational efficiency of the operational MOHID hydrodynamic model used by MeteoGalicia. This upgrade will allow running larger model domains with the same horizontal discretization. This way MeteoGalicia could merge the 4 operational MOHID models run for each Ria in a single model covering the entire Rias maintaining the horizontal and vertical discretization. This methodology will allow simulating Rias interaction. Additionally, with this new upgrade MeteoGalicia will be able to run higher resolution models and consequently enhance its capability to accurately identify areas with high potential to generate marine current energy and fulfil one of the EnergyMare goals. Currently MOHID has two main parallelization approaches implemented: (1) one where each MOHID model/sub-model runs in a different process and the communication between processes is done using MPI; (2) In the other approach each “do loop” is parallelized using OpenMP directives; MPI allocates processes and OpenMP allocates threads. Along this document “process”, “thread” and “core” concepts will be used. The first two are used when the discussion is focused in the software (MPI – processes, OpenMP - threads) and third one (core) in the hardware (e.g. speedup quantification).}, bibtype = {techreport}, author = {Leitão, Paulo} }
@techreport{ title = {MOHID implementation in parallel mode following a domain decomposition approach to the Rias Baixas area}, type = {techreport}, year = {2014}, keywords = {MOHID,MPI,Rias Baixas,domain decomposition,parallelization}, institution = {Hidromod}, id = {ba91ff5d-343a-3e1c-8cd0-03129a9e67c3}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:47.664Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:00.420Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In this document the implementation of MOHID in parallel mode to the Rias Baixas area by Hidromod in the framework of the RaiaCO project is described. The work was sub-contracted by MeteoGalicia, one of RaiaCO partners. This MOHID Rias Baixas implementation main objective was to simulate 3 days of 3D circulation for the entire Rias Baixas area with a spatial resolution of ~300 m in ~2h30 m. Additionally scalability tests of MOHID run in parallel mode for a schematic case were done. The goal was to test the behaviour of MOHID run in baroclinic mode in a grid with 80 million computation cells (20.000x400x10) run in parallel using 384 cores (or threads). MOHID}, bibtype = {techreport}, author = {Leitão, Paulo} }
@article{ title = {Influence of MeteOcean processes on MSYM sea level predictions in the Singapore and Malacca Straits.}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, pages = {155-158. }, id = {50b2a351-6552-3063-a95f-d4fd5dffeb82}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:47.862Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:00.552Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Bartolomeu S, Malhadas M, Leitão P, Dias J.}, journal = {3.as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 24-26 June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. Extended abstracts: } }
@article{ title = {Integrated coastal zone management in South America: A look at three contrasting systems}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, pages = {22-35}, volume = {72}, websites = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0964569111001268}, publisher = {Elsevier Ltd}, id = {fe8e80fe-7fcb-3b51-a556-1ba62384e026}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:48.056Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:48.056Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The management of coastal systems where overlapping economic interests compete for the same resources make the use of integrated approaches indispensable. The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) focuses mainly on three major goals: (1) overcoming the conflicts associated with the sectorial management, (2) preserving the productivity and biological diversity of coastal systems, and (3) promoting and equitable and sustainable allocation of coastal resources. The DPSIR (Drivers-Pressures-State-Impact-Responses) framework is a common tool that allows the description of environmental problems by defining the relationships between anthropogenic activities and the environment. In this context, the use of numerical models as integrative tools in ICZM has grown significantly over the years. This work focused on three estuarine systems in South America: Santos estuary (Brazil, 24° S) and Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina, 39° S) in the Atlantic coast and Aysén fjord (Chile, 45°S) in the Pacific coast. These estuaries differ significantly in their physical, chemical and biological conditions, as well as on their socio-economic settings and human-related problems. Numerical models have been used to study the relation between the pressures derived from human activities and their impact on the state of each system. The results presents a contribute to increase the scientific knowledge needed to support the implementation of local legislations and policies, to assess different scenarios of coastal activities and sources use, to support management decisions and, ultimately, to promote sustainable of coastal resources.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Campuzano, Francisco Javier and Mateus, Marcos D and Leitão, Paulo C and Leitão, Pedro C and Marín, Victor H and Delgado, Luisa E and Tironi, Antonio and Pierini, Jorge O and Sampaio, Alexandra F P and Almeida, Paola and Neves, Ramiro J}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2011.08.002}, journal = {Ocean & Coastal Management}, number = {0} }
@article{ title = {An operational model for the West Iberian coast: products and services}, type = {article}, year = {2012}, pages = {1651-1689}, volume = {9}, id = {255d8f41-eb47-3e82-a7c8-b01f814f2e4c}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:48.253Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:00.695Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, citation_key = {mateus2012operational}, source_type = {article}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Mateus, M and Riflet, G and Chambel, P and Fernandes, L and Fernandes, R and Juliano, M and Campuzano, F and de Pablo, H and Neves, R}, journal = {Ocean Science Discussion} }
@article{ title = {Fecal contamination modeling in coastal waters using a web service approach}, type = {article}, year = {2012}, pages = {899-906}, volume = {11}, publisher = {“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi}, id = {6c82d2e0-0c8d-39cb-8012-2a4b585048aa}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:48.465Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:00.844Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, citation_key = {leitao2012fecal}, source_type = {article}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Leitão, P and Galvão, P and Aires, E and Almeida, L and Viegas, C}, journal = {Environmental Engineering and Management Journal}, number = {5} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Analysis of superficial anomalies observed in Iberia southwest coast - numerical model approach}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2011}, keywords = {internal tide,numerical modeling,sea surface anomalies,submarine groundwater discharges}, city = {Lisbon}, id = {3fde027b-6782-3337-b376-ecb48d2ddd01}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:48.671Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:01.010Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Leitão, Paulo and Moreno, Luis and Pérez, Cristina and Espejo, J. and Malhadas, Madalena and Ribeiro, João and Nogueira, João and Neves, Ramiro and Fernández, M.}, editor = {Eça, L. and Oñate, E. and García, J. and Kvamsdal, T. and Bergan, P.}, booktitle = {International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering MARINE 2011} }
@article{ title = {Influence of tide and waves on water renewal in Óbidos Lagoon, Portugal. Ocean Dynamics}, type = {article}, year = {2010}, pages = {41-55}, volume = {60}, websites = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/a63g7562rn253229/}, id = {69034c7b-39ec-31fd-bc27-88482ffbaf89}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:48.871Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:48.871Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Malhadas, M.S., Neves, R., Leitão, P.C., Silva, A.}, journal = {Ocean Dynamics}, number = {1} }
@misc{ title = {Modelling hydrodynamics and water quality of Madeira Island (Portugal)}, type = {misc}, year = {2010}, source = {GLOBEC International Newsletter }, pages = {40-42}, websites = {http://www.google.pt/#hl=pt-PT&rlz=1W1ADRA_en&q=Modelling+hydrodynamics+and+water+quality+of+Madeira+Island+(Portugal).+GLOBEC+International+Newsletter&oq=Modelling+hydrodynamics+and+water+quality+of+Madeira+Island+(Portugal).+GLOBEC+International+Newsletter&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=3339l17898l0l1l1l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=7f3fb741e593b09&biw=1419&bih=655}, id = {f5b23451-047e-3b7e-888b-8c845762526c}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.081Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.081Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {misc}, author = {Campuzano, F., Nunes, S., Malhadas, M. and Neves, R.} }
@article{ title = {Effect of coastal waves on sea level in Óbidos Lagoon, Portugal}, type = {article}, year = {2009}, keywords = {Hydrodynamic,MOHID,Tidal inlet morphology,Wave radiation stresses,Wave set-up,Óbidos Lagoon}, pages = {1240-1250}, volume = {29}, websites = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0278434309000739}, id = {99ad7c96-47af-3a50-a3df-c22abe978997}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.300Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.300Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Malhadas, Madalena and Leitão, Paulo and Silva, Adélio and Neves, Ramiro}, journal = {Continental Shelf Research}, number = {9} }
@article{ title = {Three-dimensional modelling of a tidal channel: The Espinheiro Channel (Portugal)}, type = {article}, year = {2009}, keywords = {3D numerical modelling,Espinheiro Channel,Residual circulation,Ria de Aveiro,Salinity,Salt transport}, pages = {29-41}, volume = {29}, websites = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0278434307003330}, id = {7ca41ef8-0a7a-3990-95e6-4168456b798c}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.513Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.513Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Vaz, Nuno and Dias, João and Leitão, Paulo}, journal = {Continental Shelf Research}, number = {1} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Impact of Casalito waste water treatment plant discharge on Óbidos Lagoon water quality }, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2009}, websites = {http://www.srcosmos.gr/srcosmos/showpub.aspx?aa=12477}, city = {Chania, Crete}, id = {035e33b0-6857-363c-90aa-f00135a19e4d}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.756Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.756Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Malhadas M., Nunes S. , Neves R. , Carvalho S., Couto C. and Zenha H.S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology} }
@article{ title = {Operational ocean forecasting of the portuguese waters}, type = {article}, year = {2008}, keywords = {Azores,MOHID,Portuguese Coast,currents forecast}, pages = {20-32}, websites = {http://www.mercator-ocean.fr/documents/lettre/lettre_30_en.pdf}, id = {0e14a31a-3dc6-3ad3-a0d3-2ee76fcb1f7c}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.955Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:49.955Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Riflet, Guillaume and Juliano, Manuela and Fernandes, Rodrigo and Leitão, Paulo and Neves, Ramiro}, journal = {Mercator-Océan Quarterly Newsletter}, number = {30} }
@article{ title = {Towards an hydrodynamic and biogeochemical operational model of the Portuguese coast}, type = {article}, year = {2008}, websites = {http://www.insea.info/documents/insea/downloads/xi_international_symposium_on_oceanography_of_the_bay_of_biscay.pdf}, city = {Porto}, id = {f7c34b0a-56c1-38b6-b3b9-428ea998da80}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:50.155Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:50.155Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Leitão, P., G. Riflet, L. Fernandes, R. Fernandes, A. Canas, P. Pina, M. Mateus, A. Silva and R. Neves}, journal = {International Conference on Mathematics and Continuum} }
@article{ title = {Modelling coastal systems: the MOHID Water numerical lab}, type = {article}, year = {2008}, pages = {77-88}, id = {13f91409-2d73-3141-a837-aeedf44a050c}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:50.352Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:01.157Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Leitão, P. and Mateus, M. and Braunschweig, F. and Fernandes, L. and Neves, R.}, doi = {10.13140/2.1.1482.4008}, journal = {Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South America}, number = {1997} }
@article{ title = {Application of the Mohid-2D model to a mesotidal temperate coastal lagoon}, type = {article}, year = {2007}, pages = {1204–1209 }, websites = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098300407000763}, id = {232cbd40-fd07-316e-9a81-2481a46c41d8}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:50.560Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:50.560Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Vaz, N., Dias, J.M., Leitão, P.C., Nolasco, R}, journal = {Computers & Geosciences }, number = {33} }
@article{ title = {Modelling the influence of nutrient loads on Portuguese estuaries}, type = {article}, year = {2007}, pages = {5-18}, volume = {587}, websites = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/7683h0134l51434u/}, id = {ded1b091-dc3c-3408-b0e6-f2e453ec9de4}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:50.759Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:50.759Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sofia Saraiva, P. Pina, F. Martins, M. Santos, F. Braunschweig and R. Neves}, journal = {Hidrobiologia}, number = {1} }
@inproceedings{ title = {A contribution to the understanding of the Óbidos lagoon dynamics}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2006}, websites = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/40855(214)112}, publisher = {ASCE }, city = {Barcelona}, id = {d7b2ba3f-9a69-3062-b3ab-5563703c6842}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:50.990Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:50.990Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Silva, A., Santos, M., Leitão, P., Neves}, editor = {0-7844-0855-6, undefined}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics } }
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@article{ title = {Qualidade da água da Lagoa de Óbidos: Que futuro? }, type = {article}, year = {2006}, keywords = {%20Portugal.pdf,http://maretec.mohid.com/projects/FozdoArelho/Conf}, city = {Cascais}, id = {61dbc5f0-6570-3f94-b34a-397e803d07d8}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:51.200Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:51.200Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Madalena Santos; Ramiro Neves; Paulo Leitão; Patrícia Pereira; Hilda Pablo; Luís D. Fernandes; Sandra M. Carvalho; Cátia P. Alves, undefined}, journal = {XII Encontro Nacional de Saneamento Básico} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Monitoring and Modelling Foz do Arelho submarine outfall plume}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2006}, websites = {http://maretec.mohid.com/projects/FozdoArelho/Confer%C3%AAncias/04_7th%20International%20Conference%20on%20Hydroinformatics,%20HIC%202006,%20Nice,%20Fran%C3%A7a.pdf}, city = {Nice}, id = {f3345b85-c5c3-3c92-bd0c-dbefada896af}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:51.418Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:51.418Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Alves, C., Carvalho, S., Santos, M., Zenha, J.H.S. & Neves}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics } }
@article{ title = {Modelling macroalgae using a 3D hydrodynamic-ecological model in a shallow, temperate estuary }, type = {article}, year = {2005}, pages = {232-246}, volume = {187}, websites = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304380005000918}, id = {a1b15366-d977-3d86-b96e-ddebc5f5877c}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:51.610Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:51.610Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {A R Trancoso, S Saraiva, L Fernandes, P Pina, P Leitão, R Neves}, journal = {Ecological Modelling }, number = {2-3} }
@article{ title = {Internal tide influence on sediment resuspension in the Nazaré Submarine Canyon and adjacent areas}, type = {article}, year = {2005}, websites = {http://meetings.copernicus.org/www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU05/05729/EGU05-J-05729.pdf}, city = {Vienna, Austria}, id = {bc213065-6a6c-3377-8442-c7731da35287}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:51.840Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:51.840Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Garcia, A.C., H. Coelho, P.C. Leitão, H.C. de Stigter, T.C.E. van Weering & R. Neves}, journal = {European Geosciences Union, 2nd General Assembly} }
@article{ title = {Aspects of circulation over submarine canyons: A numerical study}, type = {article}, year = {2004}, websites = {http://maretec.mohid.com/PublicData/products/ConferencePapers/NazareCanyon.pdf}, city = {Cádiz}, id = {831210fa-9bd2-352d-848c-af1eeb6d4c4c}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:52.027Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:52.027Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {COELHO, H, GARCIA, A. C., NEVES, R.}, journal = {4th SYMPOSIUM on the IBERIAN} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Hydrodynamics And Transport In The Coastal Zone Of São Paulo – Brazil}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2004}, pages = {3316-3328}, websites = {http://ebooks.worldscinet.com/ISBN/9789812701916/9789812701916_0268.html}, publisher = {COASTAL ENGINEERING, ISBN: 9789812701916}, city = {Lisbon}, id = {0394c2d6-1c37-37d1-b86d-3a3aa093af28}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:52.223Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:01.295Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Leitão, P. C., José C. Leitão, Ramiro Neves, Gilberto Berzin e Adélio J.R.Silva}, booktitle = {Proceedings 29 th International Conference of Coastal Engineering} }
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@inproceedings{ title = {Heat and Salt transport Processes in the Espinheiro Channel (Portugal)}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2004}, pages = {5}, id = {9724dd4f-90e1-3ae3-be96-24157d58fe5c}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:52.416Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:52.416Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Nuno Vaz, João Miguel Dias, Paulo Leitão}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 12th International Biennial Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas} }
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@inproceedings{ title = {Hydrodynamical Modelling of the Ria de Aveiro Lagoon: MOHID’s Preliminary Calibration}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2004}, pages = {774-775}, id = {9d12f95b-aa93-3f06-b448-b8766505e869}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:52.614Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:52.614Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Nuno Vaz, João Miguel Dias, Paulo Leitão}, editor = {ISBN: 0-9540081-1-1, undefined}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Littoral 2004} }
@article{ title = {Braunschweig, F., Leitão, P.C., Fernandes,L., Pina, P., Neves, R.J.J. }, type = {article}, year = {2004}, pages = {1079-1090 }, volume = {55}, websites = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167564804801266}, id = {aa633df1-1800-326b-bfdf-5cf8a9ed776a}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:52.815Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:52.815Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {The object-oriented design of the integrated water modeling system MOHID, undefined}, journal = {Developments in Water Science} }
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@article{ title = {Towards Regional Operational Oceanography}, type = {article}, year = {2004}, city = {Nice}, id = {12eb5574-6b19-385f-a9e7-312d4afeb09a}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.014Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.014Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {P. Carracedo, M. Barreiro, P. Montero, M., V. Pérez-Muñuzuri Ruiz-Villarreal, P.C. Leitão e V. Pérez-Villar}, journal = {Geophysical Research Abstracts} }
@article{ title = {Caracterização Hidrológica do Canal do Espinheiro (Ria de Aveiro)}, type = {article}, year = {2004}, pages = {352: 1-13}, websites = {http://jornadasdomar.marinha.pt/PT/trabalhos/Documents/2004/352-Caracteriza%C3%A7%C3%A3o.pdf}, city = {Figueira Da Foz}, id = {df61a66b-57a7-379e-ad79-0769b1bfa8b2}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.217Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.217Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Vaz, N., Martins, I., Dias, J.M., Leitão, P.}, journal = {4ª Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica} }
@article{ title = {Modelling the flow over submarine canyons }, type = {article}, year = {2003}, websites = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003EAEJA....14133C}, city = {Nice}, id = {c67bbbf3-5a56-364c-983e-ebe7734ce927}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.436Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.436Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Coelho, H. S.; Neves, R.; Leitao, P. C.; Garcia, A. C.}, journal = {Geophysical Research Abstracts} }
@article{ title = {Oil Spill Monitoring and Forecasting on the Prestige-Nassau accident}, type = {article}, year = {2003}, websites = {http://www.meteogalicia.es/datosred/infoweb/meteo/docs/publicacions/artigos/AMOP.pdf}, city = {Victoria, British Columbia}, id = {120db66c-6c0c-336c-9bb6-b1060dafdae5}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.628Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.628Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {P. Montero, J. Blanco, J.M. Cabanas, J. Maneiro, Y. Pazos and A. Moroño}, journal = {26th Artic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar} }
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@inproceedings{ title = {3D Hydrodynamic Modelling of the Tagus Region of Fresh Water Influence}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2003}, city = {Vigo}, id = {f5298375-3f8d-370a-a374-ab6b2a2986f4}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.834Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:53.834Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Leitão, P.C., R.J.J Neves, H. Coelho, F. Braunschweig.; e J.C. Leitão}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4rd Symposium on the Iberian Atlantic Margin} }
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@article{ title = {The role of Physics controlling the Eutrophication processes in Estuaries}, type = {article}, year = {2003}, pages = {157-158}, city = {Thalassas,}, id = {7b59f2ec-3873-3060-bd76-12292152f02b}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.041Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.041Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Pina P., Braunschweig F., Saraiva S., Santos M. & Neves, R}, journal = {Atlantic Iberian Continental Margin Symposium} }
@article{ title = {Simulating vertical water mixing in homogeneous estuaries: the SADO Estuary case }, type = {article}, year = {2002}, pages = {221-227}, volume = {475}, websites = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/l22276237r5q6056/}, id = {338d54f8-9c12-3e67-aed2-a00c28898c56}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.244Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.244Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {F Martins, P Leitao, R Neves}, journal = {Hydrobiologia }, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Hydrodynamic Model Study of the Ria de Pontevedra under Estuarine Conditions}, type = {article}, year = {2002}, pages = {101-113 }, volume = {54}, websites = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027277140190825X}, id = {2ead04cf-a71a-3c14-9fa3-a8d5d582588d}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.443Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.443Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {M. Ruiz-Villarreala, P. Monteroa, J. J. Taboadaa, R. Prego, P. C. Leitão and V. Pérez-Villar}, journal = {Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science}, number = {1} }
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@inproceedings{ title = {A contribution for the understanding of the Faro-Olhão inlet processes}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2002}, pages = {197-207}, publisher = {The Changing Coast}, id = {8338b2b4-64ad-3f69-86d3-6b71777454bd}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.655Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.655Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Littoral 2002 6th Intern. Conf.} }
@article{ title = {3D modeling in the Sado estuary using a new generic coordinate approach}, type = {article}, year = {2001}, pages = {51-62}, volume = {24}, websites = {http://www.troiaresort.com/estudos/OcActaArticle.pdf}, id = {539463dc-9b29-3fd9-afc4-0dede6eebd34}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.849Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:54.849Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Martins, F., R. Neves, P.C. Leitão e A. Silva}, journal = {Oceanologica Acta}, number = {1} }
@misc{ title = {Simulating water mixing in a barotropic estuary: the effect of vertical discretization}, type = {misc}, year = {2000}, source = {Conferência Internacional ECSA 31}, websites = {http://sapientia.ualg.pt/handle/10400.1/140}, city = {Bilbao}, id = {fa719708-222c-3274-98b5-53ca5f615443}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.051Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.051Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {misc}, author = {Martins, F., R. Neves, e P. Leitão} }
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@inproceedings{ title = {Vertical and Meridional Structure of the Iberian Slope Current: Observations and Modelling}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2000}, city = {Faro}, id = {66c57370-6f24-3f60-9b8f-3d01f7ed04d2}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.250Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.250Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {H. Coelho, P. Leitão e R. Neves}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on the Iberian Atlantic Margin} }
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@inproceedings{ title = {A Numerical Model of the Guadiana Estuary}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2000}, city = {Faro}, id = {b328b30e-a706-3bf6-9c3b-2b566243b5e3}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.432Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.432Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {M. Cunha, H. Coelho, R. Neves e P. C. Leitão}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on the Iberian Atlantic Margin} }
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@inproceedings{ title = {An Integrated Approach to Study the Tagus Estuary Water Quality}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2000}, city = {Faro}, id = {a1dce73a-a0a6-39dc-bed3-dbd5c14394b0}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.637Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.637Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {H Pedro Pina, João P. Delfino , Paulo C. Leitão, Ramiro J. Neves}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on the Iberian Atlantic Margin} }
@inproceedings{ title = {Operational models - a tool to improve coastal management}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2000}, websites = {http://library.witpress.com/pages/PaperInfo.asp?PaperID=4528}, publisher = {Hydraulic Engineering Software }, id = {e2bf33ea-6768-3f2f-ac8e-e38928e9c7c5}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.840Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:55.840Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Adélio J. R. Silva, João P. Delfino, José C. Leitão, Paulo C. Leitão, Pedro Pina, Ramiro J.J. Neves}, editor = {Blain, W. R. and Brebbia, C. A. Wit Press}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 8th Hydraulic Engineering Software Conference} }
@inproceedings{ title = {MOHID 2000 - A coastal integrated object oriented model}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2000}, websites = {http://w3.ualg.pt/~fmartins/images/hydrosoft2000_MOHID.pdf}, publisher = {Hydraulic Engineering Software }, id = {c23d7979-b91f-35fb-9bbb-c6b43bb5351d}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:56.081Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:56.081Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Miranda, R. , F. Braunschweig, P. Leitão, R. Neves, F. Martins & A. Santos}, editor = {Blain, W. R. and Brebbia, C. A. Wit Press}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 8th Hydraulic Engineering Software Conference} }
@inproceedings{ title = {The advantage of a generic coordinate approach for ocean modeling}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2000}, websites = {http://www.mendeley.com/research/advantage-generic-coordinate-approach-ocean-modelling/}, publisher = {Hydraulic Engineering Software }, id = {7dae3ea1-0f4d-30d1-b78c-21f8f1834595}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:56.281Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:56.281Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Neves, R. , P. Leitão, F. Braunschweig, F. Martins, H. Coelho , Santos, A. & R. Miranda}, editor = {Blain, W. R. and Brebbia, C. A. Wit Press}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 8th Hydraulic Engineering Software Conference} }
@article{ title = {The slope current along the Western European Margin: a numerical investigation}, type = {article}, year = {1999}, pages = {61-72}, volume = {15}, websites = {http://www.ieo.es/publicaciones/boletin/pdfs/bol15/15_061-072.PDF}, id = {2f440ad2-bc7b-3c1c-beb6-de93296a66e3}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:56.489Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:56.489Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {H. S. Coelho, R. R. Neves, P. C. Leitão, H. Martins and A. P. Santos}, journal = {Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr.}, number = {1-4} }
@article{ title = {Transport and Mixing Simulation Along the Continental Shelf Edge Using a Lagrangian Approach}, type = {article}, year = {1999}, pages = {39-60}, volume = {15}, websites = {http://www.ieo.es/publicaciones/boletin/pdfs/bol15/15_039-060.PDF}, id = {ee7e6376-0874-3c1a-abd9-d10c7ba51c67}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:56.699Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:49:01.449Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Miranda, R., R. Neves, H. Coelho, H. Martins, P. C. Leitão and A. Santos}, journal = {Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr}, number = {1-4} }
@inproceedings{ title = {A numerical investigation of the slope current along the Western European Margin}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {1998}, websites = {http://library.witpress.com/pages/PaperInfo.asp?PaperID=6362}, publisher = {Computational Methods in Water Resources}, id = {bb40529c-9263-35b4-8f9b-d663390ee1b1}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:56.917Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:56.917Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Neves, R. , H. S. Coelho, P. C. Leitão, H. Martins and A. Santos}, editor = {Burgano V., Karatzas G., Payatakas A., Brebbia C., Gray W. and Pinder G.}, booktitle = {Proceedings on Computational Methods in Water Resources XII } }
@article{ title = {Application of a 3D hydrodynamic model to the Sado estuary}, type = {article}, year = {1998}, websites = {http://maretec.mohid.com/MaretecManagement/ConferencePapers.asp}, city = {Faro}, id = {7a826a93-434d-367a-8654-dca571645a68}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:57.146Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:57.146Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Martins, F., Neves, R., Leitão, P.}, journal = {Simpósio Internacional SIPRES} }
@inproceedings{ title = {A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model with generic vertical coordinate}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {1998}, pages = {1403-1410}, websites = {http://w3.ualg.pt/~fmartins/images/Hidroinformatics98_article.pdf}, publisher = {Hydroinformatics}, id = {ec6ba6ee-8813-35f4-b854-2f1c11004fe3}, created = {2022-10-13T15:48:57.361Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {7be7f7a6-afaf-3ffc-92cf-b3439435407e}, group_id = {18d455af-4919-32bc-bcfa-03673c5649ef}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:48:57.361Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, author = {Martins, F., R. Neves e P. C. Leitão}, editor = {V. Babovic & L. C. Larsen, Balkema, Rotterdam}, booktitle = {Proceedings on Hydroinformatics} }